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Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Gripe

I don't have cable. Well, I do, but the basic basic package, which amounts to local broadcast stations, a bushel full of home shopping networks and christian stations, and Bravo.


So I look forward to those rare Saturday afternoons when I can waste a day watching Fox's Game of the Week.

Enter my gripe:

Do I get to watch Yankees? Mets? Dodgers? Any bleeping team that doesn't call the midwest home?

Hell no.

Time after time, this is what I get: Cardinals and Cubs.

The Cubs suck, and not just because they're from Illinois. They really suck this year.

The Cardinals are good, but are bland and boring to watch, the baseball version of C-Span.

But lawsy, Fox does love 'em.

Now I'm not sure if this is just their obsession with matching the games with their 'natural' geographic audience, but give it up.

I see the bleeping NL Central all the time. If I wanted to I'd waste the day in an actual stadium and see the same thing.

Television is about escape, people.

Even MLB is annoyed. Here's a snippet of an article advertising the game on their website: "It may look like a mismatch at first, but . . "

But what? There's no point in watching a kick-ass team wup on a loser. C'mon, give me something that validates the inevitable arguement with my wife for control of the remote.

And while we're at it, enough Albert Pujos. Great player, but has anyone been sooo overrated so early in his career? You'd think the guy was the progeny of Ruth and Cobb.

Talk to me in ten years, when Albert is a few years shy of fifty (baseball fans might pick up on the joke. Doubtful, but they might) and I'll tell you if he's worth the hype.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree I don't like the Idea that cable changed the stations all around; my memory can't remember my stations and I end up going thru all the stations to find anything.  But, as far as your sports thing, I don't follow them, sorry.  
