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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

2nd Anniversary and De-Lurker Day

this is a half-hour early, as I won't get the chance to post it on the 9th

Two years ago today, if you go by the date on the hit counter, I started this blog.
In the begining it was strictly political, then it became a showcase for my writing, followed by a time as an online scrapbook of my family, and now it's a mish-mash of all of the above.
If you want a longer version of the story, and some links to old posts, check out the links on the left sidebar. 
I enjoy the heck out of writing this site and I'm grateful to everyone that stops by and gives it a looksie.
One favor tho' - I'd like to declare Slapinions' 2nd Anniversary a DE-LURKER DAY.
I'm horrible at leaving comments, so I don't normally ask for them. But today, if you routinely visit here once a day, once a week, or just when the mood fits, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to let me know who you are.
If you can't or won't leave an AOL or AIM comment, just drop me a line at and I'll post the comment for you.
Thanks a lot, and here's to 2 more years of Slapinions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm usually around, but don't comment much.