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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Some pics of Lauren circa 8/9 or thereabouts

I say 'thereabouts' because the date on the camera is often off; but I'm reasonably sure they were taken Thursday night.

[Tho' the background might fool you, 'tis not man-boobs you see, but a hardy mix and match of my hairy self.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are adorable but funny too from this end...let me show you...

#1..."Hey you..." (pointing)
#2 ..."Just wait until I'm 2 yrs old man..."
#3..."Just don't say'll be sorry if you do..."
#4..."Shhhh I'm trying to sleep" (No I'm not giving you the finger with the other hand)
#5..."Nope not doing it with this hand either...If I could just close this lid maybe I could get some sleep"
#6..."Dang, gotta feed yourself here...I wonder what this will taste like?"
#7..."Hey, not bad lets try 2" (Nope still not doing it! Ha!)

Such a cutie!