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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary to my Parents

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Yeah, it's not the prettiest graphic, but you try searching for 37th anniversary pics . .

Anyhow, today is the 37th Wedding Anniversary of my parents (congrats to them)!

As simple math'll tell you, they were married on this date in 1970 (the day of the Marshall football team airline crash) and remain together to this day.

Seems like just yesterday the whole family celebrated their 25th anniversary . . an event easily remembered since the entire family had food poisoning the day of the event, complete with stomach pain and vomitting, and my Dad couldn't even make it to the dinner . . my sister, who was to host the event, was worse off then I was and so I picked up the duty, cracking a joke to the crowd about how my Dad finally got cold feet, a quarter century too late . . probably wasn't as funny in person as I remember it, given that 12 years ago I was a shy, ill-spoken young man.

Anyhow . .

I must say since my Mom went into the hospital their love is pretty apparent, as Dad visited her every day without fail . .

So Congrats to them and a sincere wish for 37 more years together!

* * * *

My Mom is home, btw, and yesterday she and I went for a walk. She made it to the far end of the block and back and I was very happy with her effort . . plus she wanted to show off how much weight she had lost (~60 pounds) since the ordeal started. Without meaning to sound mean, the eight loss is very evident. She has the makings of a 'normal' figure, whereas before she was bloated and often draped herself in nightgowns for convience sake, giving the appearance of no form at all.

Odd I never noticed, but my Mom is very petite. Not a large woman in frame or height. It is a wonder of science that a 6'3" very large framed man (regardless of weight) could come from her and a 5'11" medium build father . . go figure.

Good thing I have the same behind-the-left calf birthmark as my Mom, and the same ears as my Dad or I'd wonder . . . j/k


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My folks will be 45 in July. Glad she is feeling better. How about grandfathers were they tall. My dads cousin is short & all his sons are very tall because his dad was tall.

Where did you all get the food poisoning from?