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Friday, April 4, 2008

'Me and Dad' by YaYa

A week ago Monday I spent the evening with YaYa.

With Lisa gone at work or dance four nights a week, the hours of 4 until bedtime belong to me and the kids.  It's made me a better Dad, I can tell you that much, and its allowed me to get to know my children better, both the good and the bad. 

But familiarity breeds contempt, and on that Monday night I caught myself more than content to wile (sp?) away the night at the keyboard while YaYa watched TV in the living room.

And I thought to myself, well, this is one of those wasted moments I'll regret down the road. So I asked her if she wanted to do something.

To my chagrin, she jumped at the chance.

We played dominoes, she lost interest, and we lined them up and knocked them all over, which in the end is the best use for them anyway.

Then she asked if I wanted to work on a book with her. Sure, I said. She wrote the text and did the pictures, I did the coloring.

I'm not very good at coloring.

It was about watching the movie Enchanted, which the whole family adored, although we did not watch it that night, as YaYa wrote.


She was quite proud of it in the end, and wanted me to have it bound. Instead, I present it here online.

[please note: I have no intention of flooding you with her work, but I will occasionally post it on Slapinions out of sheer pride. Please note that she was a bit embarrassed that I posted the Fary story, primarily because of her spelling.

In retrospect I think I shortchanged her and that it might have been written months ago. Her spelling tests have all come back with 100%, all of them, and many of the words in this text were written without my help]

I drew the hand on this one:

This one's cheating: I drew the tub and the printing . .  and the coloring. So in other words, I did this one by my lonesome. Quality like this is what prevents me from writing for a living.


Anonymous said...

Your daughter's story is very cute! You two did a job well done! Have a nice weekend. -Missy

Anonymous said...

You are building such wonderful wonderful memories Dan, Keep going you will earn rich rewards...all of you... Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love that she likes to write stories.  She may be a famous author some day.  One can only hope.  

Anonymous said...

Well IIII for one love the fact that she got the "Daddy and Me time" aspect. ;)  C.