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Friday, April 25, 2008

On Souls, karma, and a whiny monologue by St. Peter


I just thought about Nancy, a friend of my sister's who died in a car accident, God, it must be 15 years ago now.

I think of her every once in awhile. She was a genuinely nice person who would have made done right by the world if given the chance - I can imagine her with a house full of kids and maybe a job as a teacher.

It was a horrible waste  - she was only in her teens - so that sticks with me. She also seemed to have a bit of a crush on me, one I never reciprocated, which makes me feel a bit of misplaced regret.

Anyhow, I mention her here because of one of my kooky maybe Christian/maybe not beliefs. I've felt for a long time that whenever a person is remembered after their passing, be it an everyday thought of my Grandma or some obscure well-digger who's name pops up when reading an archived document, well, it does . . . something. Call it my half-baked, inarticulate version of 'every time a bell rings an angel gets their wings'.

[Of course, by that theory, Hitler gets a whole lotta 'something' too. So I guess a caveat - only good or neutral thoughts count]

[And while we're on the subject, when did all this 'angel' stuff get so big? I object to this notion of angels being the recently deceased. So, 'some' people in Heaven rank higher than others? How does that conversation go?

St. Peter, coffee cup in hand: Yeeahhh, listen Frank. I know you lived a good life, and, well the proof's in the pudding right buddy? I mean, you bypassed purgatory and hell and jumped right to the Big Show. Do you know how rare that is in this day and age? You da man!  [hits him on the shoulder]

But, uh, well . .listen bro. You know we have this 'angel' thing, and . . .hey, I just work here ya know? But there are some . . I don't want to say 'quotas' per se, but . let's say 'requirements'. And, no offense, but a guy who had a heart attack is a dime a dozen. Gladys over in Toledo, you know, the one who was cut in half by a cable car? That's the kind of applicant the big guy is looking for right now. Attractive, female, unusual death . . .

I know it's hard to swallow man, but there's always next millenia. Allright? Thatta boy! I knew you were a trooper! Talk to ya later!]

Anyhow, in no small part because I believe it does some karmic good with her soul (the online version of lighting a candle in church?) I just want to say that Nancy is remembered.

That's all. Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Here's to Nancy, a life lost too young.   Estela

Anonymous said...

There y'go. That all makes sense if y'ask me. Now I have to go write an entry on my mother, who was referred to by her grandchildren as "GrandmaAgarForceofNature" as well as the one I intended to write about my non-sectarian novena to St. Jude Thaddeus.

;^) Jan the Gryphon

Anonymous said...

I've always felt the same way. That if you've lived your life right, most people will remember you with fondness, whether you've died or just moved away. That if you leave that kind of legacy, then you're doing something right. Just another good reason to be the best person you can be.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

How insightful you are (for a man)...evil grin.  Here's to Nancy.

Anonymous said...

A toast to Nancy!

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I don't think your belief about how angels get their wings is a Christian belief (at least the Christianity I tend to follow - i.e. Biblical) but I did find it interesting to read

enjoy the weekend :)


Anonymous said...

You sure are a one with words and ideas !!  I did enjoy the conversation with St.  Peter !!  mind you laughing aside. I am not sure about angles but I am sure they are out and about that we just don't reconise them usually...mind our Lord came back as well although not exactly an one recognised him either at first it is only by the way he spoke or deeds he did that he was recognised.  MAybe we should all be looking out for these angels unaware.  Love Sybil x

Anonymous said...

That St. Peter story reminded me of my Pappy.... :)  he would've loved that one.

I dunno....death, the 'beyond' has always been strange to me and not to sound like a total quack but I'm pretty convinced there is some soul connection in this world that doesn't end when our lives do.  

have a good one~

Anonymous said...

I love the way you think, I guess I beleive in angels, Karma, lighting a candle and remembering a person alfter spouse and both think of people who have kind of takes away the pain of missing them and brings happy thoughts to us....

Sometimes, as strange as it seems, what does everylasting life mean....people remember you?  If you follow the teachings, or good Karma?

Have a great weekend
