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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Playtime, Pee, and Scraped up noses

Today, knock on wood, was a good day. With two days left until the change of ownership at work I spent much of the morning sitting in on depositions for a civil matter. Later I had my own turn in the hot seat. It all went well and I was proud of my staff, who stuck to the truth and refused to get knocked off track by the opposing counsel.

When I got home I was a little overwhelmed by the sounds and chaos of my four kids, all of whom were outside playing with Lisa.

To prevent taking my own life, it is best have at least 5 minutes of transition between Grown-up World and Land of the Demon Spawn.

Yeah, didn't get that today, and that makes a grumpy Dad. But within a few minutes I was chilling with the kids. It was a gorgeous day I wasted inside, so I appreciated being able to read outside and soak in the sun.

Here's some pics I took of the fun:

[BTW, Smiley peed in the toilet today, or rather on and around it. He stood up, As a Man Should, and let loose under his Mom's direction. We'll have to work on his aim, but first reports are it's better than mine]

This next one isn't of the kids, but of the damage done over the winter to the area once occupied by the tarp and miscellaneous shed materials. Mourn for my lawn. I do.

Ok, back the kids. Remember that beautiful little baby girl I posted pics of yesterday?

While she was outside her Grandma started to put her in her car seat, but Little Miss decided to flop out of it quick-like, smacking her face on the concrete (from a distance of an inch at best). Way to ruin the modeling career kid.

Note the fancy cupcake holders/transporters on the table, the things that look like a wire tree. That's what the Mrs. chooses to spend money on, instead of important things like DVD rentals and baseball pitching machines. Egh. Chicks.

The difference between a Mommy Blog and a Daddy Blog?  A Mommy blog would never have pictures of the kids doing kid things - you know, all the stuff now frowned on by the Nanny culture- like climbing railings and playhouses.

Or hanging from a clothes pole

Where's YaYa in all this, you ask? Taking a bath. Here's a pic of her return:

Oh, and we mustn't forget the star of the show

My I look serious and contemplative don't I? Odd, seeing as it was mere seconds after taking this shot:


Sorry folks. I took a photo of the inside of my mouth (since the up-the-nose to see my nose-hair pic didn't turn out) but upon review it is a little too ick for public viewing.

After all this I violated one of my cardinal rules and let the kids go to my Mom's house and play with their cousins on a school night.

Wouldn't you know it, after climbing over this-and-that and jumping here-and-there-and-everywhere at home, LuLu stumbled when walking down the hill on my Mom's front lawn and scraped up her nose and hand on the cement.

"Now [Baby] and I are twins," she told me. I guess so.


Anonymous said...

 First time my son told me he wanted to stand to pee like Daddy....he pooped on the floor.  We had to remedy that quick.   I always had cuts and bruises as a child.  I was such a tomboy.


Anonymous said...

I had boys first and the daughter last.  I had a heck of a time getting her to sit down to pee.  She wanted to copy the boys and peed all down her legs several times before I convinced her to sit like Mommy.  I love your pictures.  They are real kids and gorgeous with and with/out the

Anonymous said...

awww....the poor lovies with the scratched up can you not scoop 'em up and love on 'em!!!  hee...  I need another baby.


Anonymous said...

You had to deal with lawyers today? ACK! I raise my glass to you and wish you luck, my friend....


Anonymous said...

Poor wee things all bloody noses !!  I note that you too seem to be living in a nanny state with regards childern not being allowed to have what we used to think of as fun...Oh no to dangerous nowadays...whenever did all that happen...glad to see that you and Lisa are disregarding the information !!  mind you  bloody noses ???  you musty be careful !!   Love as usual and  for these lovely photos thanks   Sybil x

Anonymous said...

What would childhood be without a few scars to help narrate the story in the future.  Everyone loves my 'superman faceplant on the sidewalk' story....but the crooked nose is the key ;)
climbing rails and such is just early problem solving ;)  how the heck did I get up here and now how do I get back down....

gotta love it :)

Anonymous said...

Kids being kids, gotta love it.  That's so integral to how they learn Not to be stupid in their stunts.  Hopefully without the emergency room trips.  Love thepics.
                                                        Smiles,  Leigh