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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not a very cheerful time on Facebook

August 15th

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's in good taste, or an idea that should be supported. A mosque at/near ground zero is ridiculous. I don't care who you vote for, it's still RIDICULOUS. I think The President was cowardly in his comments about it, & I'm so sick of the PC bullshit [supporting it]. - Lisa's status, seconded by me.

[this set off a firestorm of comments, 32 to be exact. The Left can preach all they want - Lisa's statement was as correct as anything ever written}

@ The Stone Sword, a medevial theme restaurant, w/ the kids and mee lady.

- It was a huge dissapointment. Nothing "themed" except the [murals on the] walls. No one talked in period or wore costumes, what a bummer. And my meal was so bad I didn't eat it and asked them to take it off the bill.....and I NEVER do that. (Lisa)

August 15 at 8:24pm ·
-It's on Layton, in the old Sizzler building. It wasn't *that* bad, although Lisa's meal sucked. I like mine, and the sweet potato fries were da bomb.Overall, I'd give the place a C- as a restaurant, an F as a themed place, and a lifespan of less than 6 months. (me)

Funny how most people on FB don't even so much as say hello for months - unless you post something against their dear sweet political notions.

August 16th

We just finished watching Pixar's "Up". I'm not sure why the kids (who watched it earlier in the day) loved it as much as they did, as balloon/house/talking dog silliness aside, it's very much a movie about adult themes. The montage of Fredrickson's marriage? It said more in 90 seconds, without a single line of dialogue, than most movies do in 90 minutes. Well done. BTW, Fredrickson is a dead ringer for my Dad.

‎[11:40 AM] @ emissions testing, waiting to renew Lisa's plates.

Farmville friends - please help in 'raising' my expanded chicken coop. I'm also in need of Topaz, horseshoes, bees, and a life. Thank you in advance.

Not that it matters to anyone, but K-Mart truly is the place where lousy customer service goes to flourish and multiply.

Never trust a traitor, even one that you create

Lisa: "Why the hell are you on Farmville again?"
Me: "'Cuz it helps me relax"
Lisa [joking]: "Relax? From what??? You sell books for a living. Your whole life is one big sleeping pill.

Ronald Reagan's

"Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

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