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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Daddy Blog Update (regular post below)

Some items of note in the ol' homestead:

While he's been giving us hints and glimmers for a week now, it is offical: Parker can, on cue, give you the biggest happiest smile you've ever seen.

(now if I can only capture it on camera, I'll post the proof here, so check back)

My youngest daughter, four days shy of 22 months, has gone #2 twice in the potty but still shows an affinity for her diapers. Her speech has improved dramatically though: while her vocabulary still consists mainly of "Me?" "Yeah!" and "Yay!", she gave us two complete sentences in the past week.

"Me go with you." and "Me want wear this".

And the elder stateswoman of the bunch has learned a new ditty at the knee of her mommy:

Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider

Girls go to college to get more knowledge

She was also estatic when her teacher gave her a gift for being good this week: a jar of putty called "body noise" that lets out a fart when you stick your finger in it.

Glad to see her tuition is paying off.

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The Post about Hitler and Saigon April 30th

Sixty years ago today, as the Russian army closed in on Berlin and the war in Europe was nearing its end, the man responsible for six years of bloodshed took his own life.

Deep within the air raid bunker that had been his home since January, Adolf Hitler sat alone with his bride of two days. He had been urged to flee the capital for refuge in the Alps but refused, convinced the end was inevitable.

In the weeks to come his countrymen would face the wrath of Stalin's army, with thousands killed in retribution and perhaps as many as a million women raped.

Hitler would not share their fate.

The Fuhrer swallowed cyanide capsules that had been tested on his own dogs; for good measure, he also shot himself with his own service pistol.

Three decades later - thirty years ago today - another invading army closed in on a capitol.

After ten years of American involvement, at the cost of 58,000 American and 3 million Vietnamese lives, the war in Vietnam was drawing to a close.

With a hostile Congress refusing to meet American promises of intervention, the North Vietnamese launched a new campaign in March of 1975.

They sliced through their neighbors to the South at an alarmingly rate. Pleiiku and the Highlands fell, as did Hue and Da Nang. By April 27th the NVA encircled Saigon itself.

Three days later NVA tanks rolled onto the grounds of the Presidential Palace, and the war was over.

Neither anniversary is worthy of celebration. Hitler's death didn't stop the war, and it denied the world the chance to see justice served at Nurenburg. Vietnam's capitulation was a victory for communism and the harbinger of 're-education camps" that stretched the horrors of the war past its official end.

Of course, we can go on about the lessons we learned from both. From WWII we learned that intervention wasn't only wise but humane; a stronger stance at Munich might have prevented the disaster that shaped a century. A quarter century of military adventures were spawned from that argument.

Conversely, from Vietnam we took away the lesson that intervention was fraught with peril and uncertainty - for some, even immorality. For another quarter century we balked at the idea of stepping overseas.

Because of those two moments in time we are who and what we are. On one hand we area nation dedicated to a quest to disable our enemies before they have the chance to hit us (again). On the other hand, we are a country that endlessly debates the wisdom and morality of that stance.

It's no secret I'm more comfortable with the former.

I can't recall a single case in history where weakness or indecision worked for the benefit of a nation - especially a country already marked for destruction because of its very existence. Better to strike first then endure another 9/11, and better to wage a war on foreign soil than on our own.

That being said, I'm not displeased that the issue is up for debate.

Not because of any lovesick nod to the Constitution, but because the debate makes me more confident. Confident that we aren't going to trip blindly into every argument between nations, confident that we aren't going to commit ourselves with one hand tied behind our back, confident that if we are in the wrong, the American people are going to let the government know.

Future generations will draw on the lessons we craft from this era. May they find the results more hopeful than those we learned in Saigon and Berlin.

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It seems I was silent longer than I realized. Fear not, I'm still around. I've been busy with a slew of (routine) doctor visits, preparation for my son's baptism party, and a fierce debate in the comments section of ColdHearted Truth's American Idol Blog (for the record: Constantine deserved to go. Good riddance).

I dread the idea of following up a post about suicide with one about . . . well, another suicide. But it's the 30th, and for all intents and purposes the post's subject expires (no pun intended) after today.

I'll catch up on the mandatory daddy-blog stuff later this weekend.




Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Post about Suicide April 24th

I was feeling pretty blue today, and my mind drifted to the idea of suicide.

Not my own, mind you, or even that of anyone in particular. Just a general, sobering thought that a person has to be experiencing something God awful - a hundred times what I felt - to even contemplate such an act.

That, in turn, brought to mind a conversation I'd had maybe ten years ago. While it might seem a bit out of character, the truth is I thought rehashing it might do someone in trouble a bit of good.

Yes that right: welcome to my first (and probably last) Public Good Deed.

A long time ago, when the world was new and I still thought the future held riches and fame (but should have known better) I had a pretty decent job.

One of my co-workers, an aspiring architectural student, was involved in a motorcycle crash that temporarily put him in a coma with head injuries.

When he woke up, he no longer wanted to be an architect.

He also no longer wanted to be a man.

All this was before my time, but recent enough that fellow co-workers still gossiped about how he left for vacation a man and returned a woman.

I always questioned the decision. Not just for the obvious reasons, but because I wondered how much the crash had affected his reasoning.

Certainly it still played havoc with her life, as she was often sidelined with severe headaches.

I doubted life was very easy for her, and one day she admitted it.

After telling me her life story - but omitting any reference to gender - she told me she contemplated suicide on a daily basis.

She was lying; she thought about it far more often.

Not long before that I'd taken a friend to the hospital following a suicide attempt, and the subject still hit close to home.

So I asked her what stopped her from going through with it.

It was out of line she had every right to tell me to go to hell.

Instead, she told me some very good advice.

"Every day I woke up and wanted to kill myself," she said. "And every day I said no, I can't. And it didn't help, and sooner or later I was going to do it."

"So finally I gave myself permission to go ahead," she said. "I said to myself, just shut up and do it. But first I had to meet one condition."

"I had to go a week - seven whole days - without thinking, not even for a split second, that I wanted to live."

"A lot of times I'd go five, six days before I had to start over. Once I made it six and a half, and I thought 'this is it'."

"But it never happened. I'd see a movie preview and think 'I'd like to see that', or laugh at a dumb joke, and I'd be angry that. I'd have to start over"

I asked her how long this 'contract' had lasted.

"I'm at three and a half days right now," she said.

Without question, someone in a similar situation needs to seek medical help. Yet I think there's a kernel of genius in her approach.

In the course of a week - 168 hours - there has to be something - anything - that proves that life is worth living.

An upcoming episode of a TV show, the onset of spring, a good meal - whatever it takes.

Because life is too precious to waste on one bad decision.

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Friday, April 22, 2005

What's your opinion?

Ok, back on the 6th? my oldest took her spring pics at school, and on Wednesday she returned with a whole packet of this picture. We didn't order them; turns out they were given to her by mistake, and yes, they were returned.

(I suppose, given that it sidesteped the need to buy them, I shouldn't have scanned the pic either. Ethics and all.  But what's the point of being Catholic if you can't take advantage of confession and sin with impunity once in awhile?)

Anyhow, so far everyone - including both the Mrs. and her teacher - hate the pic, saying my daughter looks mean and smug.

I'm not sure the reduced-for-the-web copy of the picture gives an adequate looksie, so peer carefully.

I agree she looks a little Teresa Heinz Kerry in the photo. So what? It's about the polar opposite of her best pictures, but I still dig it. Who says you have to have a big grin in every photo?

Care to give me your two cents?

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Family Update

Normally, I post a commentary every two or three days and try to fill the gap with casual, light hearted fare I find on the web.

That, or I resort to the dreaded "mommy/daddy" school of blogging.

Well, I wanted to post this yesterday but held off because (theoretically) two employers will be checking the site in the near future for proof of my writing skill.

But I can't resist any longer.

Yesterday I took my walking tax deductions in for a checkup and came back with some nifty numbers.

Parker, at just over six weeks old, has gone from 7#,10oz and 20.25 inches long to a mammoth 10 pounds 8 ounces and 21.5 inches long.

Told ya he's been eating - and he's still 12 ounces less than I weighed at birth.

His oldest sister  - at almost exactly three and a half years old - is 34 lbs and 40 inches tall.

The last little rugrat, at around 23 months old, is 25 lbs and 32 inches tall.

Aside from a small iron defeciency in the 23 month old the kids are in great health.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Post about the Swingset April 19th

So today being payday, and with all the benefits of direct deposit fully in place, I woke up to discover my wife had gone shopping.

"Come and help me carry this to the backyard" she said.

'This' was a seven-foot box containing four metal legs, a support beam, a trapeze bar, two swings, a teeter-totter, and a slide.

In short, a swingset.

It wasn't much of a surprise, as my wife had been pushing to buy one for weeks. I admit I didn't see the need as we're two blocks away from a park and a mere block from a playground, but hey, it could've been worse.

She could have bought it the day after I threw out my back.

Oh, that's right. She did.

[personal note: I could boast of injuring myself in a manly motorcycle wreck, but the truth is far more Dannyesque. I threw out my back at a rummage sale. While picking up a tricycle. A pink tricycle.]

Fortunately, once the box was in the backyard my obligation was at an end. My wife's long since given up on me being any use when a problem calls for tools. Instead she called my family and asked for help.

From my sister.

[personal note #2: If you believe this in any way bothers or shames me, you're wrong. Pride, you'll remember, is one of the seven deadly sins.]

I was perfectly content sitting on the back porch, directing their efforts and enjoying having two kids away at Grandma's, when the whole thing turned ugly.

The neighbors to the right came out into the backyard. The folks to my left did the same. My daughter's friends showed up.

Suddenly the project was an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Ty Pennington was sitting on his keister letting his wife and sister take the credit.

Share the limelight, I cannot do.

Naturally, the assembly was a mess. The hardware came in one large bag, devoid of any parts list or order. The instructions were 20 pages long, held together by a staple in the corner, and conveniently printed out of order.

Nowhere did they tell you what tools were required; I didn't find out I needed a hammer until Step 7 finished with 'hammer in place'. I stared blankly at some pages until I realized they'd included instructions for optional equipment.

Toilet Paper comes with more detailed instructions.

Not good.

And then came the Danny moments. I lost the bit for our electric screwdriver and misplaced the be-all-and-end all Allen wrench (recovered when I bribed my daughter to crawl across the lawn searching for it.). I installed the legs backwards, voiding an hour of work.

At one point I ran like a ninny when a bumble bee stumbled onto the construction site.

I say again, pride is a sin.

After four hours of this I volunteered to take my daughter to dance class. From their waiting room I called my wife to say that, with gas prices being what they are, it just wasn't worth going home for an hour.

But you keep plugging away hon.

[personal note #3: Say what you will, what I lack in skill I make up for in pure cane Sugah. Before we went home I stopped and bought my wife a CD, which my daughter gave her as a thank-you.]

Six hours after we started it was done, and for all the trouble, the kid seems to love it.

All that was left was to throw out the packing materials.

And the leftover pipe, washers, and screws I'd hidden in the box.


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ps. Thanks to my sister Katie for helping the Mrs. tackle that monster.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Just for kicks

I'm a big Led Zeppelin fan, and as we all know I also put a lot of stock into my faith. To some this looks hypocritical, and a few friends have questioned how I can call myself christian and still listen to a band with [alleged] satanic ties. Well, the answer is simple:

Zep rocks baby!

Seriously, I don't buy the urban myths, and I don't care if Jimmy Page once dallied with the occult. That was thirty years ago, and folks mellow and change. For Pete's sake, thirty years ago I was in diapers and craving my mother's milk. 

Sure, I never got over it, but most people do . . .

Which leads me to this site, which along with other songs plays Zep's Stairway to Heaven backwards to transcribe a famous diabolical message.

I still think it's bogus.

A) I've played it backwards and not heard a thing at home, so it might be a case of someone messing with the track for the site 

 B) really, what would be the point of putting any message out there that requires you to play a song backwards to hear it?

 If that's the best form of communication the Dark Side can come up with, the good guys should have KO'd  'em a long time ago.

And just wait 'til you hear what Britney Spears has on her record . . .


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Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Post about the Archdiocese Sex-Abuse Policy April 16th

The Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee took what appears to be an extraordinary step against pedophiles last week.

The new policy covers more than 500 members of the clergy and subjects them to searches, travel restrictions, and monitoring if a church official is known or suspected to have engaged in 'inappropriate activity".

Included among these restrictions:

    • Suspect clergy are subject to unscheduled home searches 24/7, including areas like closets and desks not in plain view.
    • They are required to get approval for travel, and must be accompanied by a person approved by the program managers
    • They may be forced to move to a residence chosen by the archbishop
    • They are forbidden to own a computer and restricted in the use of one. All computers are subject to search.
    • They are required to keep a mileage log that includes their destination, a list which will be checked against the odometer regularly
    • The names of offenders will continue to be made public

There are more restrictions, and they don't pertain solely to suspected pedophiles. Clergy suspected of drug or alcohol abuse, gambling, and those involved in consensual relationships after taking a vow of celibacy are also included..

But it doesn't take a biblical scholar to identify the true target.

For too many people it's a case of too little, too late. Years of silence on the subject not only destroyed the lives of survivors, it's tarnished the reputation of the Church more than memories of the Crusades or the Inquisition ever could.

Milwaukee certainly wasn't immune to the problem. A handful of local priests, including one from a nearby parish, were identified as predators - some of long standing.

In the late '80's there was a beloved student counselor at my high school, one I ran into several times.

A role model to many as one of the few African-American priests in the diocese, he was adored for adopting several young boys from third world countries.

Years later it was revealed he was a serial abuser, one with even less shame than others of his ilk: he once stood accused of molesting a boy who turned to him for guidance while his mother lay dying. ****

Even the previous Archbishop was engaged in scandal, albeit of a different nature.

In 2002 it was revealed that the Archdiocese had paid nearly a half a million dollars to a man who accused former Archbishop Rembert Weakland of assaulting him while a graduate student. Judging by contemporary letters the affair was in all likelihood consensual, but it shook the faithful of this area to their core.

Will the new policy make sure these errors aren't repeated? Advocacy groups have reacted with surprise and approval, although one group hinted it went too far in treating all clergy as if they were guilty.

"The Patriot Act of the Milwaukee Archdiocese," said Terry Ryan, founder of Voice of the Faithful, a group formed because of the abuse scandal.

Perhaps it does unfairly punish the innocent by painting pedophiles and alcoholics with the same brush, but I would argue that with a few tweaks it's worth it. Certainly it can't be the biggest sacrifice involved in devoting oneself to the Church.

And if it helps weed out those who hurt the flock and help restore faith in the Church, then it deserves their support.

Personally, I would go one step farther. Excommunicate anyone wearing a collar who is found guilty of harming a child, Christian forgiveness be damned.

After all, is there any greater corruption of Jesus' name than to use it to hurt a child?

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**** Although he was found 'not guilty' by a trial jury, the Milwaukee Archdiocese reviewed claims against Fr. Marv Knighton and found that there was a "preponderance of evidence" that Knighton committed sexual abuse. Normally, I would bow to the jury's decision and not name the accused, but because of the Archdiocese's ruling I have chosen to go ahead with the information.

Read the complete documents at:

Thursday, April 14, 2005

For Jonah, Napoleon Dynamite's biggest fan

News of this has been circulating in blogdom. The last - but not the first - time I saw a link to it was on Coldhearted Truth.

And no, I couldn't get it to look any prettier without spending waaay too much time on a throwaway post.

Behold, the work of the lawful rulers of Idaho:

      Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
         WHEREAS,  the  State of Idaho recognizes thevision, talent and creativity
      of Jared and Jerusha Hess in the writing and  production  of  "Napoleon  Dyna-
     mite"; and

  WHEREAS,  the scenic and beautiful City of Preston, County of Franklin and
      the State of Idaho are experiencing increased tourism and economic growth; and

WHEREAS, filmmaker Jared Hess is a native Idahoan who was educated in  the
    Idaho public school system; and

WHEREAS,  the  Preston  High School administration and staff, particularly
   the cafeteria staff, have enjoyed notoriety and worldwide attention; and

 WHEREAS, tater tots figure prominently in this film thus promoting Idaho's
   most famous export; and

WHEREAS,  the  friendship  between  Napoleon  and  Pedro   has   furthered
    multiethnic relationships; and

WHEREAS,  Uncle Rico's football skills are a testament to Idaho athletics;

 WHEREAS, Napoleon's bicycle and Kip's skateboard promote better air  qual-
   ity  and  carpooling  as alternatives to fuel-dependent methods of transporta-
    tion; and

 WHEREAS, Grandma's trip to the St. Anthony Sand Dunes highlights  a  long-
   honored Idaho vacation destination; and

  WHEREAS,  Rico  and Kip's Tupperware sales and Deb's keychains and glamour
    shots promote entrepreneurism and self-sufficiency in Idaho's small towns; and

   WHEREAS, Napoleon's artistic rendition of Trisha  is  an  example  of  the
   importance of the visual arts in K-12 education; and

 WHEREAS,  the schoolwide Preston High School student body elections foster
    an awareness in Idaho's youth of public service and civic duty; and

 WHEREAS, the "Happy Hands" club and the requirement  that  candidates  for
    school  president  present  a  skit is an example of the importance of theater
    arts in K-12 education; and

WHEREAS, Pedro's efforts to bake a cake for Summer illustrate the positive
    connection between culinary skills to lifelong relationships; and

 WHEREAS, Kip's relationship with LaFawnduh is a tribute to e-commerce  and
    Idaho's technology-driven industry; and

  WHEREAS,  Kip  and LaFawnduh's wedding shows Idaho's commitment to healthy
    marriages; and

 WHEREAS, the prevalence of cooked steak as a primary food group pays trib-
    ute to Idaho's beef industry; and

  WHEREAS, Napoleon's tetherball  dexterity  emphasizes  the  importance  of
    physical education in Idaho public schools; and

 WHEREAS,  Tina  the  llama,  the  chickens with large talons, the 4-H milk
          cows, and the Honeymoon Stallion showcase Idaho's animal husbandry; and

  WHEREAS, any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of  the
    Legislature  of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent
      resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!" and run the risk of having the "Worst Day of
     Their Lives!"

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session  of the Fifty-eighth Idaho Legislature, the House of  Representatives  and  the Senate concurring therein, that we commend Jared and Jerusha Hess and the City of  Preston  for  showcasing the positive aspects of Idaho's youth, rural cul-
    ture, education system, athletics, economic prosperity and diversity.

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the members of the  House  of  Representa-
    tives  and  the  Senate  of the State of Idaho,advocate always following your3    heart, and thus we eagerly await the next  cinematic  undertaking  of  Idaho's
   Hess family.

And lest you fear this is a waste of money: FISCAL NOTE There is no fiscal impact to the general fund.