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Monday, August 12, 2024

Way to Go Pick n Save!

Our local Kroger grocery store (Pick 'n Save) has begun packaging and selling bags of bruised and less than prefect vegetables - for 99 cents per bag!

Not only is it economical,  especially with today's food prices,  it's reducing waste and helping feed the community.

Well done Kroger!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024


Monolith is the story of an disgraced journalist - we never learn her name - who out of desperation takes a job on a podcast that explores conspiracy theories and unsolved mysteries. She receives an anonymous tip about a mysterious black brick, no larger than a bar of gold, that influenced the life of a maid many years ago. Soon, others come forward with their own stories about receiving similar bricks, and as her involvement with the case deepens, the interviewer's heath begins to decline. Are the bricks real, or an elaborate plan to discredit her further and end her career? 

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this movie. 

It is not horror, or sci-fi, or a psychological thriller, but it is a chimera of all three. Only the unnamed interviewer is seen by the camera, and only in her empty home. It is essentially a one woman film, and so straight through the audience is trapped with her; trapped in the isolated, empty house, trapped in the depths of the mystery of the bricks, trapped in the guilt and professional humiliation that has brought her to this point. 

The ending is perfection. I will not spoil it there, although I will mention that one article I read that purported to "explain" the ending missed the point entirely. Listen to the last words of the film's dialogue, think of the two very distinct meaning behind those words, and think of who is saying them. Which way you interpret that line, and there is no right answer, changes the thrust of the film entirely. 

Watch it on Amazon Prime. 

Grade: A+