, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Because I've heard it every single day of my working life . . .

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Because I've heard it every single day of my working life . . .

If there's a cashier that's having trouble finding the barcode on an item. . .

If there's a salesman who needs to step away and ask a manager what discount he can authorize . . .

If there's a sales clerk who isn't sure of a price because the tag is ripped off or you grabbed it out of the wrong bin . .

If there's a cashier whose scanner isn't working quickly enough, or who stops to correct an obvious error . . .

If any of these things are going on, and your brain tells your mouth to spit out some variation of:

"Huh chortle chortle. I guess it must be free then eh?"

Then . . .








  1. LMAO!
    That wasn't what I was expecting. :D

  2. I've totally said that, but now that I'm working at Target I'd have to agree w/ you.


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