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Showing posts with label Jeanne (author). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeanne (author). Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pics With Santa

Went shopping at pick and save this Saturday afternoon, to get stuff before snow.  Santa was there and so Junie and I decided to have our picture taken.  GC of course chickened out. - Jeanne 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Puzzles the Library Dog

There is a service dog that comes and visits are Library, Last Saturday "Puzzles" was at the Franklin library, and OJ read to the dog.  I scheduled another appointment for Dec. 14 to see if another grandchild would like to read to Puzzels.  Puzzels is the sweetest dogl, besides Lady, that I know of.  Here is a picture. - Jeanne

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Got my nook working.   It has been weeks since my computer would notice my nook.  Called the help desk, then went to the Barns and Noble store.  It appears that my cord was bad.  This is due to my sweet (2) cats.  I then purchased a cord from EBay, and Barns and Noble stated that some cords can only be used to charge the nook.  Therefore my EBay cord is only good for charge the nook.  I purchased a Barns and Noble cord, and now my nook and computer are friends. - Jeanne

Friday, June 29, 2012


Well, I'm back, I had Cataract surgery April 25, and repair to the right Rotator cuff on May 4th, and was unable to use my desk top computer, only for short time frame. I was using my Nook and reading the mail, but only short feeds could I do. Today is the first day that I have been able to be on the computer for more than an hour. I also was able to send thank you notes to all who were thinking of me. So I guess my Rehab is doing good. Anyway, going to do some reading, then off to bed. - Jeanne

Thursday, April 14, 2011