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Showing posts with label Carlos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carlos. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Test

Attention FB friends and family. 
For the next week, the job of posting something comical, thought provoking, and such will be the responsibility of Dan. He claims that he can do a far better job than I can so I invite, nay, IMPLORE that you visit his page and see what funny quips my replacement has in store. Feel free to comment also.

Context: my friend Carlos H. routinely posted very funny material under his own name, material clearly "borrowed" from  a website. I called him on it, and this "test" - in which I reposted lines from the very same website, was disastrous. Unable to think or reason on an adult level, many of his friends thought the quality of Carlo's page went down, called for my head, and were never able to put 2 and 2 together.