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Showing posts with label archiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label archiving. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The 1995 Project

I have been sorting through and organizing the hundreds - and I mean hundreds  - of letters, cards, notes, ticket stubs and receipts Lisa and I accumulated in 1995, the year we first met. It's nostalgic, certainly, but a little bothersome. As many of you might remember, there was a bit of a persistent bump in the road that year.  Whenever that subject came up many of my letters reek of ignorant (but sincere) rationalizations for my behavior, dismiss Lisa's objections as selfish, and, well, to put it plainly, in retrospect, I sound like an ass. While I've made up for it over the last 17 years it's still hard to read. I destroyed one of the worst of the bunch, but that pissed Lisa off, saying it's our shared history and not to be disturbed. Easy for her to say; my grandkids are gonna read this stuff and get the deeply mistaken impression that I'm not The Greatest Man Ever. How can she do that to them?