update: Our bank cancelled one of our bank cards Saturday when I reported the fraud. One. OF THE TWO. And not even the one that was cloned! So more charges in Indiana, driving me from a frightening $15 in the bank when I reported it, to negative $56. The bank alleges they will review and discipline the employee from Saturday, but meanwhile I'll have my answer and money within ten business days. FML
update: Although it's paid in full, Junie's upcoming birthday party requires a cc for incidentals. When I spoke to the manager and explained the card situation, she cheerfully suggested using a different card - then acted like I offered to give her a disease when I said we only have the one. I'm 43, my only debt is the mortgage (and in recent years, law school), and that's precisely because we have avoided credit cards since college. What a world.
update: The money taken AFTER the bank failed to turn off the card has been credited to the account. So at least we're not in the red. That's good news.