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Showing posts with label fantasy footbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy footbal. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Thanks to Rob Gronkowski turning all "Boo Hoo Brittle Betty" on me this weekend, the Bay View Slapjacks were eliminated from the consolation tournament of my fantasy league. I finish the year 6-8 (6-7 in the regular season).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fantasy Football

Another bloody fantasy football match-up this week. I have the advantage, being the only team with a player on MNF and the score close to tied, but it's gonna be a  tight one

My opponent's players are done and he has an 11 pt lead on me. I have Jonathan Stewart playing on Monday night and Victor Cruz tonight - I am hoping for a Packers win, but one in which VC notches two TD's and 110 yds.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Great Week for Naught

I'm having a magnificent week in fantasy football. No seriously, I'm at 126.78 points and have outshined my projected total by nearly 20 . . . and I will lose, because my opponent is consuming points, sitting at more than 140 with two players on MNF. Looks like I will fall to 3-4 on the year.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I've clinched a win in this week's fantasy game (and w/ one player left on the field Monday night, no less), bringing the Sad Sack Slapjacks to a 5-7 record. It *should* be 6 up, since I lost a game by less than a point, but I digress . . . You know the lousy part of this is I'm playing myself right out of a berth in the Toilet Bowl. If I'm not making the playoffs, the consolation tourney is the destination of choice, but I'm not about to sabotage my team to get there.