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Friday, November 13, 2009

YaYa meets Junie B.

One of the best gifts I ever got YaYa was a copy of Junie B Jones First Grader at Last! a book that seemed to kick start her love of reading to the nth degree.

Even before she could read on her own we'd all gather at night and Lisa would read the kids a chapter or two, with YaYa reciting the opening lines by memory:

My name is Junie B. Jones. The B stands for Beatrice. Except I don't like Beatrice. I just like B and that's all.

A few months back Lisa learned that Junie would be appearing at the Discovery World Museum here in Milwaukee. She took YaYa to meet her favorite characters.

Junie of course

but Lucille too.

They were part of the cast for a First Stage Children's Theater product of Junie B Jones that ran in late October - early November. Oddly enough, YaYa's class was scheduled to attend a performance of the play on her eighth birthday!

She asked Lisa to chaperone, and it was a great kickoff to YaYa's birthday weekend. :)


  1. Good on YaYa..Isn't it wonderful when one learns to read..
    I think it is really criminal to allow a child to go through school without having learnt the most basic of reading. I have a friend who has never been taught to read and she missed so much. Not that she seems particularly aware of that fact, so I supose over the years one gets used to anything..
    but not to read....I just cannot conteplate it. Thank goodness for paents like you and Lisa.
    Love Sybil x

  2. I've never heard of Junie B...but how cool for YaYa! I bet she was thrilled.


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