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Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday


Has anyone ever told you, that for a guy with such dashing good looks and a well developed sense of humor, you have eyebrows designed and engineered by nature to make people fear for their lives? - Fred Bryan

Monday, March 8, 2010

 Where's my donut?


Thanks to Roger a friend from STAA I got my raspberry sugar patzke (or however you spell it!)....I guess If I don't pre-order them we don't get them. And since my ass is broken it didn't get done. sigh.

- Lisa

Friday, March 5, 2010

 My parents just left. I'd invited them over for a Lenten meal of cajun style salmon cakes, rice, salad, and that homemade apple cake I made yest. Personally, I think the cake was a little dry, but everyone seemed to like it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Paczki Day!

Today is Fat Tuesday, the last hurrah before the solemnity of Lent, and here in Milwaukee Fat Tuesday means Paczki.

Although they look like a jelly donut, the Polish treat* is made from a very rich dough that contains eggs, fat, sugar and (sometimes) milk. A small amount of grain alcohol is added to the dough to prevent the oil from soaking in when it's deep fried. While certainly denser than a traditional donut, the influence of French chefs during the reign of Poland's August III made the dough much lighter than it reads in print.


Inside the paczki a fruit filling - prune, raspberry, apple, lemon, cream, etc - and the outside is sprinkled with sugar or iced.


This morning I stopped at the neighborhood bakery - an Italian one, but Milwaukee-fied enough to promote paczki's. I picked up two dozen, with 18 of those being shipped off to my parent's apartment.

Enjoy your Fat Tuesday!


* (pronounced PAWNCH-kee or PONCH-kee but some speakers pronounce the word as POONCH-kee, PUNCH-kee or PANCH-kee)