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Showing posts with label Marquette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marquette. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

I've got a beef with Marquette

Just blew too much of my paycheck picking up the books for my classes (this was at 5pm). Sadly, the clerk was moderately rude to Junie because she dared (gasp!) play with a pen on the counter. Nevermind that in addition to the cost of the books I was buying that little girl a Marquette t-shirt, so f the pen.. I felt like buying it just so LK could break it in half and leave it on the counter.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My last final exam of spring is complete. Six questions, three hour time limit. I didn't fail, and that's all you'll ever get out of me. There was a moment of panic when I tried to upload the exam answers and got repeated errors. I had to walk my laptop to IT to complete the process, but it got done. Now I have two weeks of break before summer classes begin.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Complaint

I want to publicly thank Marquette Law for not only taking outrageous amounts of my money each semester, but also for being nice enough to close the parking garage to students every time they schedule a poorly attended, barely noticed political debate. Because of this screwed up sense of priorities, and the resulting parking overflow on side streets, I had to park more than four blocks away and hike uphill with a 30 pound backpack on a surgically repaired hip . It was already a shi**y day, and now its a really *painful* shi**y day. #AngryGimp


 I want to publicly thank Marquette for not only taking outrageous amounts of my money each semester, but also for being nice enough to close the parking garage to students every time they schedule a poorly attended, barely noticed political debate. Because of this screwed up sense of priorities, and the resulting parking overflow on side streets, I had to park more than four blocks away and hike uphill with a 30 pound backpack on a surgically repaired hip . It was already a shi**y day, and now its a really *painful* shi**y day. #AngryGimp

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Lasso of Truth

 My Evidence Professor just brought up Wonder Woman and her Lasso of Truth. Neat fact: the creator of WW was one of the early inventors of lie detector machines. On the downside, the prof called it a Marvel comic. SMH

Monday, February 15, 2016

I don't think I agree

My evidence professor put forth an interesting idea today: character is not a moral or psychological construct, but a stereotype; a label assigned to us if we comply with the expectations of society.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

That's a lot of $$ in 1976

I gave it to the last minute, but with the hip acting up for the last 36 hrs I called into work. I came within a hair's breadth of skipping Marquette too, but went, learned nothing that wasn't covered in the reading, and was worse for the wear. Now comes the inevitable guilt that accompanies a call-in. My mind is a strange place.

And get this: 

In 1976 my Professor was earning $75K/yr in practice, and left to teach at Marquette for $12K a year. Yikes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Not My Best

An awful night at Marquette. I got caught daydreaming and flubbed one answer, then f'ed up the retaliatory follow up I should have seen coming. I looked like a gen-u-wine dummy. Plus, having earned her wrath, I imagine I'll be put on the spot by the Prof next class. #ShouldBeFun

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Back to the Grind

 I started classes at Marquette yesterday, and went back to work. School went fine, work not so much. Spending 8 hours on an office chair older than some of my kids did the hip no favors. Yes, I was told I can get up and stretch if need be, but that doesn't quite do the trick. It's going to be an adventure - and to quote Louis L'amour, adventure is just another word for trouble.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

About to take my final in Constitutional Law - at Marquette

Friday, April 24, 2015

Marquette licenses their Police

The President of Marquette just sent an email announcing the Marquette Department of Public Safety will become a licensed police department May 1st.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

Actually, watching a YouTube reading of this in Legal Writing, as an example of how to craft a persuasive statement of facts. I read this to my nephew Jonah when he was an infant back in '94

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I'm at Marquette awaiting my three hour Torts final, after starting the day with my father-in-law's funeral. Quite the day.

update: Torts is done. 2,676 words written on six total problem sets over three hours. I had time to re-read my work before I submitted it, and while I can't say it's full of the greatest legal arguments of all time, I sure do write purty.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spring Grades

Spring grades were posted. I didn't do as well as I hoped, notching only a B and a B- and taking a 2.912 GPA into the fall. 

The B in Civil Procedure ticks me off, b/c even in looking over the material in retrospect, I thought I kicked ass on the final. I'm left shaking my head and wondering what I have to do to earn an A.

Maybe it's beyond me. 

That said, that B- in Property Law features an obligatory reduction of my final grade because car trouble caused me to be late for the final, and the Professor informed me of the penalty before I was allowed to start the exam. Sooooooo, looking at it in that light, and remembering the awful stress that put on me in the moment, I guess I'll notch that as a shaky "win", or at least a draw.

As is almost always the case, EGBAR.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just finished a three and a half hour Civil Procedure final. Wish I'd taken the day off from work, as it was draining.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

 Just finished my Civil Procedure midterm. On the way out of the building I ran into the Dean who asked me how I'd done on the exam.

"Eh", I said. "I've had better nights"

"Well, you survived," he replied.
"That remains to be seen," I said. "I'll get the score next week."
"You'll make a great lawyer," he said. "You refuse to commit to any definable position."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hot Dog!

To my great shock, it appears that I learned something in Criminal Law and the final went well!  I think that, barring the professor being on the take, I aced 32 of the 45 problems, bombed one, and listed 12 under "maybe" - but I'd go to Potawatomi on the odds of those "maybe's" being largely "correct" answers. This portion of the exam is only 1/3rd of the Final - the other 2/3rd's coming from two 2000 word take home essays I had to hand in to receive today's exam - so the possibility still exists that I stunk it up. But if I did, I stunk it up less than I feared four hours ago.