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Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I'm banned on r/Wisconsin on Reddit. Boohoo

Why was I permanently banned? 

Bc when a commentator blasted someone for spending their own money and demanded they be taxed to oblivion, I responded simply "Taxation is theft.  She can spend her money where she likes.  This is still a free country. "

That's it. No vulgarity.  No abuse. Just an opposing opinion 

Alas, the moderator cares neither for Wisconsin, civil discussion, or, apparently, the spelling of the word "trespassing."


Saturday, January 15, 2022

In Most Cases

When you are young, you rage against the machine. When you get old, you oil the machine. That's how it works.

Monday, December 27, 2021


Every time I've heard someone say "I'm a pretty normal person" they turn out to, in fact, not be a pretty normal person.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Old Man Dan

Dan in his early 20’s: “These old people like everything bland, pass the hot sauce, I love spicy food!”

Same Dan at 45: “These youngins have ruined food, it’s not even about flavor anymore, it’s how bad can I burn my mouth”

His take on popular culture, especially music is similar. When he starts his old man rants I’ve now begun mocking him saying “yep, Elvis’s hips were gonna destroy civilization too” LMAO  - Lisa

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Little Zep Humor

Lisa: You can't do that.

Me: Why not?

Lisa: There's a sign on the wall right there. 

Me: There's a sign on the wall. But I want to be sure, because you know sometimes words have two meanings. 

Lisa (long pause): What??

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pamper Yourself

What man doesn't need a weighted adjustable sleep mask adorned with gold and silver stars?? #FabFitFunBox

Sunday, September 3, 2017

My Evening

I spent the evening on the deck with the girls,  and had a long phone call with my Dad, then spoke to my Mom briefly.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

My Day

Not a great day. My hip hurts, I'm very tired, my weight has plateaued for yet another week, both George HW and Barbara Bush are hospitalized (prayers for them please), and Marquette finally posted the grades for last semester but they fell short of my expectations. I've had enough of this day.  I'm going to bed.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Friday, September 23, 2016

An Angry Morning

Holy shit** I woke up in a bad mood. In a prior life I would have just razed a village or burned a heretic at the stake to chillax, but since that's "frowned upon" nowadays, I'll just internalize it and die of stress by sixty.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

A medical update

I went to my physician today to follow up on the chest pain, but after a short wait he came out and told everyone in the waiting room there was a staffing problem and we'd have to reschedule. Swell. I wasn't going to wait and fret another week so I went to a local urgent care. A nurse hooked me up to an EKG and pronounced my sinus rhythm normal, showing no evidence of a heart attack, and said it was probably muscle strain combined with a bad panic attack. He said the dr wanted some more tests, and plopped me back in the waiting room. Ninety minutes later,still waiting but with class looming, I thought "F this" and bolted. I'm going with the panic attack/muscle strain theory, and thus will happily resume both gym and romantic activity.