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Showing posts with label walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walk. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2014

My Day

Two things, the first a little TMI: With a family history of skin cancer, I went to the dermatologist today about a nasty mole I was worried about. It turned out to be ok, but the Dr noticed and removed two others she thought were actually worthy of concern. I'm sure it's nothing and the procedure was easy. The worst part was when she said she felt the need to do a full body lookover and ordered me to strip. "Ugh," I said, as she poked around my belly. "This would be a lot less embarrassing if you were older or uglier", which inspired a good laugh from her and a blush from moi.

Second, I walked there and back (about 3.5 miles total) and took in the sights and sounds of Bay View along the way. I really love this place - it's the best part of southeastern Wisconsin, without a doubt. I was so damn proud of my hippy-dippy yuppie paradise that by the time I was at the Doc filling out my medical forms I filled in my city as "Bay View, Wisconsin". LOL

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Went for a nice walk with Smiley (~2 miles) then settled in at home in my PJ's to enjoy the rest of my Sunday in peace. Naturally, this would be the time YaYa  decides to introduce us to her friend's Mother, who stops by to chat while I look like a freak. Stupid fuzzy footed pajamas %^%$@$. I kid, I kid - they weren't fuzzy.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

BVCC Food Pantry Charity Walk

I have some notion that I should try to install responsibility and empathy into the kids, and teach them to give back to the community. Rolling with this thought, I picked the fundraising walk for the Bay View Community Center's Food Pantry as our inaugural "family project". 

Alas, Lisa had to fill in at work for her hospitalized friend so she couldn't attend. Then Lu had a fit and I left her behind (she reconsidered and joined me before the walk began), and I wisely viewed LK as too young to hoof a 3 mile course and dropped her off at grandma's.

 I wish I could say it went well, but it was a comedy of errors. Turnout was pitifully low. There were maybe, MAYBE two dozen walkers, and we accounted for a sixth of the total. Then the kids argued, right there in public, tho' they knocked that off once the walk actually started. There was also a moment I'm sure we'll laugh about in twenty years, but since this isn't 2032 mum's the word. So A for effort, C for achievement. At least the Food Pantry got a bag of groceries and some cash from us; I hope they did better financially than the turnout indicated.