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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Call me dumb here, but when Mountain Dew 'Throwback' heavily advertises "Made with Real Sugar!" . . WTH is the stuff in the 'normal' can?

A Dental Visit

 I took my two oldest to the dentist this morning. LuLu was very dramatic &the dentist asked me to leave the room so he could scold her w/out a 300# man glaring at him. YaYa, vet of many stiches, bore her cavities with stoic defiance. & good news: the 2 teeth loosened in a stumble at her Godfather's house are due out anyhow. I'd been worried they were adult teeth.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Old Class Photos


Sand Art Should Be Outlawed

 sand art bottles dumped all over....not only are my 2 oldest going to have a fit that their awesome projects are ruined.....I get to spend the next half hour trying to get sand out of their beds. This little one sure does give us a run for our money, sometimes I feel like she's my first cause she's so quick and sneaky, always out-witting me! ugh! - Lisa


 I posted a very cocky status update on how I refused to come to YaYa's aid w/ her missing book report. It turns out I was wrong. She did it, Lisa took it to proofread, and the Ginger used it as an art project. So . . .yeah. I threw my kid to the wolves.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Visit from Family

A nice day so far. My cousin Mary and her husband stopped by to see the house and visit over lunch, then @ 4 we had bunk beds delivered and set up for the girls (yay Craigslist!). Sure the Dark Side won the NFC game today, and the Chargers are down 10-7 right now, but I'm sure we can end the day as nice as it started . . .


Not much time this morning, but I needed to make my position clear: for the first (and hopefully the last time) in my life, I'm going to be rooting for a Cowboys win. And, if in the process, Hillbilly winds up with a wee bit of an owie, I'm cool w/ that too. I'm just sayin'

UPDATE: RE: The Vikings. {vomit}. Now, to close the NFL weekend: Go Chargers!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to my stepfather-in-law Jaspare, who turned 72 today, and Lisa's friend Chris. Also - congrats to the Colts, and a thank you to the Saints for knocking off the Cards.

 This . . . has been a crappy of crappy days, and it's only 12:30. Joy.

 It's 9:30 in the morning. How the hell can you know, with certainty, that business will be soooo slow that you need to call me off for the day and take a days wages out of kids bellies? Utter Bull----t. In other news, I say Indy and the Saints move on today. And a very snarky "Very Generous!" to the NFL for donating a combined (gasp) $2.5 mil for Haiti.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Project Runway

True, the top two designs were great, and the group seems much more talented than the horrific LA season. Still, I wasn't very inspired by the season premier of Project Runway, even if it does feature a Milwaukee native. Has it jumped the shark, or was I just in the wrong Mood (nudge-nudge) when watching the episode?

Wednesday Lu called from school saying her stomach felt 'mushy', and w/in a day all the kids were down w/ it. It seems to be a quick 24-48 bug (3 are over it) but YaYa just puked all over my newly cleaned dining room floor. Dangnabbit.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Get some Confidence

Vanessa Wolfe's time on American Idol was enough to break your heart. She's very attractive, talented, and down to earth, but was so beaten down and low on confidence I could barely watch. That line about not wanting the judges to 'look down on her' was gut wrenching. I hope she's not eaten alive in Hollywood. I'll be rooting for her.


Benefit to cleaning behind the couch? Finding lost gift cards!!! Too bad it took me all of 10 minutes to spend it up! What's 20 bucks at walmart? - Lisa

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

An interesting half of Football

That was a great 2nd half to watch, even if it was interrupted by Smiley throwing up Hot Fries for about two minutes (wicked to watch - A+ for effort little dude!) and the Ginger peeing on her Elmo couch. I no longer care who wins it all, so long as Hillbilly is sent packing next week. Oh, and memo to my sister - howsabout not giving a four year old an entire package of hot fries before sending him home to his pa :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Still Snowbound

Still stuck @ home, w/ 14-15 inch drifts up and down the alley. We're mid block, and it'll take a while to dig out. Mucho thanks to Anne U.  for picking up my girls and getting them to school today!

Btw our landline is now replaced and good to go . . please call us on that as the minutes are up on the cell phones.

Snowed In

still working on getting the kids to school....entire alley is still unshoveled, unplowed and and the average drift is about 14 to15 inches....not the worse we have had, but no one has been out to do anything about it, and we're in the middle of the block. Odd...the only ones that have kids to get to school, and we're in the middle of the block....UGH!!! - Lisa

Still Stuck

Still stuck @ home, w/ 14-15 inch drifts up and down the alley. We're mid block, and it'll take a while to dig out. Mucho thanks to Anne U.  for picking up my girls and getting them to school today!

Btw our landline is now replaced and good to go . . please call us on that as the minutes are up on the cell phones.

 still working on getting the kids to school....entire alley is still unshoveled, unplowed and and the average drift is about 14 15 inches....not the worse we have had, but no one has been out to do anything about it, and we're in the middle of the block. Odd...the only ones that have kids to get to school, and we're in the middle of the block....UGH!!! - Lisa


It’s official: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has confirmed that the State of the Union will not pre-empt the premiere of LOST The Final Season on 2/2. See you in 25 days. (from Lost's FB page)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


ok, finally saw paranormal....OVERRATED....totally. I love scary movies, and when your movie has one scary scene at the end, it's not gonna work for me! I cannot believe the "its the scariest movie I've ever seen" comments about it....hanging out w/ my 4 kids is scarier then that movie, lol. - LIsa

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

 Daisies are cancelled due to expected snow fall - Lisa


Is frustrated that the school I want my littlest to attend is random computer picking. Who are these commies? I can see the sibling exception but otherwise first come first picked is always fair....irritating! - Lisa

Switching Rooms

Tonight, in the course of half an hour we moved YaYa and the Ginger into new rooms; very half-ass results but whataya gonna do in 30 minutes? YaYa and Lu are now roomies, while Ginger's on her own in YaYa's old room. I objected to it because it feels like rewarding Ginger for making nights hell, but she's actually taking the new digs as a punishment - screaming her head off as we speak.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

LOL What Nerve!

And a royal %&* to the White House. The ABC Special Report on the photo op, er, 'security meeting' today wiped out the last third of a great Dr. Phil epidsode. What nerve! Any chance I'd ever vote for that guy is now sooooooo gone. ;)