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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Got kids? Come see [ ] Academy's show THE JUNGLE BOOK , today @, but donations appreciated. Concessions and flowers available.

Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor

 Every yr or two I'm drawn to studying the battle of Stalingrad, and it's that time again. I just finished Beevor's 'Stalingrad', a solid study of the battle that emphasizes the Kessel over the horrific urban warfare of Aug-Nov. Of course the Wehrmacht needed to be stopped, but the 6th Army deserved a better fate than what awaited them in Stalin's hands - & they certainly deserved a better General than Paulus.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hair Dye

In addition to my earring, back in place after yrs, I also used Lisa's hair dye to highlight my hair Thurs night. It adds body & dimension to what was already a stunning display of God's workmanship. I *wanted* to rough up the goatee by dyeing it blood red or growing it long enough to split and double-braid, BUT . . I guess, like my proposed Match Game logo tatoo, that's it's just *too cool* for Lisa to handle.

The Kids Choice Awards

Michelle Obama just won a Kids Choice Award on Nickelodeon. I find it odd that the award she accepts for a health and fitness program . . . is a Blimp.
My Dad and I went to YaYa's play tonight and she did great - a lot more lines than I thought she'd have! Good job baby girl!

 Thanks to Mindy and her girls for coming to see Grace on Opening night. She was told to expect no gifts/flowers because no one was coming on Friday. She was thrilled to get 3 flowers from unexpected fans, super sweet!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

 Congrats to Tennessee! Normally I bleed Big 10, but in this instance my respect for Bruce Pearl trumps conference loyalty. A heck of a game, start to finish.

YaYa is en route to opening night of her mesmerizing portrayal of Raja in Kipling's 'The Jungle Book'. Break a leg kiddo!

 Got kids? Come see St Thomas Aquinas Academy's show THE JUNGLE BOOK Friday March 26th at 7:00, Saturday 28th @ 7:00 and Sunday, but donations appreciated. Concessions available.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Words of Praise

I received this email from the Journal-Sentinel editor, and while it may seem like bragging, I feel the need to record the letter for posterity. The kind words made my day.

Dan, here’s a letter we received regarding your recession column. It was handwritten, but I’m typing it into this email so you can read it. It’s a nice one:

To whom it may concern:

This is just a brief note to thank both the Journal and Mr. Daniel Slap for his inspirational and upbeat letter which he wrote. Mr. Slap, a homeowner, husband and parent of four children, has been unemployed for nearly a year. Instead of the prevalent “poor me” rhetoric, he has retained his perspective, sense of humor and obviously a great faith.

He and his lovely wife of 14 years are a true inspiration to me. I have shared his letter with both family and friends.

I, too, have my issues: senior citizen, handicapped with a number of expensive medical issues. When I reread his courageous letter, I know that with people like him, he will ensure things will work out for all of us.

Thank you, Mr. Slap !


Margaret - -

* * * * *

I also received this email, around the time of publication:

Dear Daniel,

Read your item in yesterday's MJS.

Content good. Relevance excellent.

But the prose--impeccable.

Quit looking for a job, start writing
a novel.

Stranger things have happened.


Thomas P. R-

P:S: I am a published writer, so I know good
prose when I see it. Your line: "...bills began to
be paid in triage fashion..." is a winner!
Fond du Lac, WI

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

 A very Disney friendly AI tonight, no? Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas? We saved it on the DVR so the kids could watch and enjoy before school tomorrow. I enjoy watching professionals at work, and Joe's a pro; but Demi could use a little bit of tutoring.