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Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Good Fight

I love when my kids fight over the last brussel sprout, makes me feel like I'm doing something right! - Lisa

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has died after being shot at a store in Tucson, Arizona, law enforcement source tells CNN. -


UPDATE: the CNN report was incorrect. She has survived!!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Last Exorcism

I rented 'The Last Exorcism' expecting a lousy film. I'm happy to say I was wrong. A disillusioned preacher asks a documentary crew to film him during an exorcism, so that he can reveal his profession to be a scam. Obviously it doesn't go as planned,but throughout you're never sure if the girl is possessed, mentally ill, crying out for help, a victim or a con herself. Very scary at times and solid throughout. Bravo.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


'Dinner for Schmucks' was hit and miss, w/ a few laughs and not a whole lot more to offer. PBS's contemporary 'Sherlock' is grand and a credit to the character. And there's no loser on "The Amazing Race" as even the eliminated teams experience sights and experiences I can only dream about.

A trip to Chi-town

In mid November we took the kids on a spur of the moment trip down to Chicago, both to eat at a deep dish pizzeria and to check out the skyline. Despite a very long wait for the pizza the kids behaved, and while they did their best to act underwhelmed at first, they quickly became entranced by downtown Chicago and the skyline.

Said Ginger a few days afterwards to a friend: "We went to Chi-taco"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me and the Junie


'Jaws', the novel by Peter Benchley, was largely a waste of my time. Speilberg was right - in the book you wind up rooting for the shark because all the humans are a*holes. There's not much to say about his style either.  The film is infinitely superior, although I will say that the opening sequence of the book is both well written and suspenseful.

Knight and Day

'Knight and Day' was a fun but forgettable spy flick, at least worth a rental from Redbox. What made it rise above its tired plot? A) Tom Cruise's character was genuinely LOL as he prattled on, oblivious to the situations around him and B) Cameron Diaz has gorgeous feet. That alone would sell the movie for me.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

 Winter break went surprisingly fast with very little problems...Thank God! But still looking forward to my 3 hrs without kids in the am tomorrow - Lisa

More updates from Nov

Nov 18th

Were having some internet problems (by 'problems' I mean I forgot to pay the bill) so for the immediate future all FB will be by mobile only.

Nov 20th

out at a restaurant, and Smiley is macking hard on the cute waitress.

Nov 21st

RIP Laurencia Bembenek. I'm sorry WI denied you justice in life.

Damn Michael Vick is good. (this post, re: the Eagles QB wh0 served time for dog fighting, brought out a very negative response on FB. I replied as follows: so we can/are expected to allow for the rehab of everyone from rapists to killers, but someone responsible for the death of animals is somehow unforgivable? That says more about the screwed up mindset of our society than anything else.)

Nov 22nd

‎"You happy Mommy?" Ginger's favorite ?, asked every morning and off and on throughout the day

Dick Button is a judge on Skating w/ the Stars? What a coup for the show, adding a much needed pinch of respectability to what threatens to be a short lived experiment.

Nov 23rd
Weird day, eh? Late November, but so warm it felt like spring, w/ rain showers and even tornado warnings in SE Wisconsin. & yet it's supposed to be in the 20's later this wk. What a beautiful, whacky state.

Woken up @ 4:45 by noise in the alley, & when I saw the light on in my car I ran outside. No one was there, & I suppose Lis coulda left the lt on. Next time I play hero I can't be barefoot slippers & wearing onlypj bottoms. The hell w/ the danger of a fight, the cold nearly did me in.

I finished Blatty's "Crazy", a novel about a boy who befriends a girl w/ a few screws loose who may/may not be from the future. It'- very sweet and nostalgic, w/ a few good laughs tossed in. As always Blatty's faith provides the philosophical backbone of the book. A nice read in the vein of Mitch Albiom {sic}