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Monday, January 24, 2011

Sinatra Jr



A Lesson in Customer Service

Before I forget it entirely, I'd like to relay a story about exceptional customer service that I provided to a customer. Am I a braggart? A narcissist? Duh. I thought we established that already. But that doesn't change the value of the anecdote.

A few months before Christmas a woman came into the store and said say she was "in love with a song", and wanted to buy the album that featured it. The problem? She didn't know the name of the song, the CD, or even the artist. She hummed a few bars but it was barely recognizable as music, much less a specific tune. After I asked a few questions, she conceded it was hopeless. She couldn't provide any additional information.

Then, just as she prepared to walk out, I heard her say that she'd just have to wait until it was 'on TV again'.

"You heard it on TV? Was it a commerical, or a show . . .?"

"A show. The one with the lady from The Apprentice."

Ah. Betheny Frankel. That narrowed it down to either Real Housewives or Betheny Getting Married?"

It was the latter. Another problem tho' - she couldn't remember the episode. So I hit the web, found the site for the show, and determined it was the very episode where she got married. This sparked the customer to mention that it was the song Betheny used for her wedding dance.

How the heck could you not remember that tidbit? C'mon!

Anyhow, I couldn't find the name of the song on the web at the time, and the computer was blocked from playing any video or audio file that might have provided the answer. But a Bing search did provide an article about the wedding planner that pulled off the event.

So I did what seemed logical. I called the Manhatten office of the planner and explained the situation to an assistant. She passed the call up the chain, and someone finally coughed up the answer: "No One" by Alicia Keyes.

The song, of course, is instantly recognizable, and had the humming gone better I'd have ID'd it on the spot. But the point is, I found the song, located the CD, and made the company a few bucks.

More importantly, I impressed the customer. She'll return in the future, and I'll bet she's retold the story a few times herself. One act of solid customer service may very well net a dozen sales in the future.

Here endeth the lesson :)


It's ok - u don't need to resort to generic Thin Mints there's still time to get the real deal!! "Thanks Alot" r in "green" packaging this yr but r still the lg chocolate covered bottom cookies u love. Light & crisp belgian style caramelised cookies ( "shout Outs") r new this yr. Lemonades, shortbread, Thin mints, peanut butter patties, p.b. sandwiches, caramel delights all made the cut. No more daisy go rounds tho' - Lisa

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Smiley's Snowman




Amen! Amen!

i am so happy, so happy I requested off months ago for the Super Bowl!

Hey Brett - F*** U again. Sincerely, Ted Thompson

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dinner at Landmark


The 2nd wk of December 2010

Dec 11th

No one has the right *not* to be offended - Ricky Gervais on why people should lighten up

A new species of metal-eating bacteria has been discovered on the wreck of the Titanic.

Dec 12th

Got home from work around 10:30 and put in 'Scott Pilgrim vs the World'. I didn't know anyting about it going in, so when it started all the zaniness my only thought was, WTF?? It was certainly different, but in an entertaining way. I enjoyed it, and for once Michael Cera played a character other than a wimpy, passive kid.

Heavy snow has collapsed the Metrodome roof in Minnesota.

Dec 13th

Lisa was fencing w/ the kids tonight, using gift wrap tubes as swords. At one pt Ginger was 'stabbed' by Lu. She jerked suddenly. Her eyes went wide, her mouth fell open, & she spread her arms out and fell straight backwards, her posture rigid. BAM! She hit the floor. It suprised the heck out of us, and we stood their like fools. Then she got up & did it again. And again. And again. The kid's a heck of an actress.

Lisa just finished 'Leaving The World' by Douglas Kennedy, and she gave it rave reviews. It's not my cuppa tea, as to my knowledge it has neither gunfire nor wanton sex, so if you normally find yourself despising the books I review, check this one out.

Quoting a article: "While Obama ran as the candidate who would fight to overturn Bush's record, a huge number of his policies remain in place.This says a lot about President Bush. One of the key measures that we have to evaluate the success of a president is not simply how many of his proposals pass through Congress but also how many of his policies outlast his time in office." is reporting that Brett Farve is officially inactive tonight, ending his consecutive game streak.

I thought "The Posession of David O'Reilly" was truly frightening, even tho' I would have driven the guy to County Psych long before the 3rd act. It's a low budget Brit film, 4 actors, 1 location, miniscule FX, & an intentionally ambiguous dilmema - is their houseguest completely insane, or is he being terrorized by demons he's now brought to their door? Well done.

Dec 14th

I finally finished 'The Fort' by Bernard Cornwell, a novel about the failed Penobscot Expedition of 1779, aka the worst naval disaster in American history prior to Pearl Harbor. Incompetence, cowardice, & plain stupidity cost the U.S. not only the battle, but a fleet of warships (and to a much smaller force). Hard to read, 'cuz the American characters were so less than admirable. BTW, Paul Revere was an ass.

Ok, this will take a few paragraphs: According to the book, during the siege of the fort he was in charge of the artillery (a post he almost didn't get, as he was under suspicion of embezzlement from his prior commision). He forgot to bring ammunition for the larger cannon, refused to move them where they were needed, and he would journey to a nearby ship for his meals several times a day and spend the night, leaving his men to fend for themselves. (this practice was ordered to stop by the General in charge of the expedition).

When the British started their terrific whupping of the fleet he disobeyed orders to set up cannon at a bend in the river, which might have allowed the U.S. fleet to escape by bottling up the Brits. Instead they came through unscathed and the fleet burned.

Then, he disobeyed orders again and fled down the river with his personal baggage. A U.S. ship nearby was going down and its men were screaming for rescue. He not only ordered his men to sail past the wreck, he again disobeyed a General's direct order to come to the aid of the sailors. (they were rescued by another crew) His reasoning? He stated he could not risk damaging his baggage by attempting the rescue.

He was arrested for cowardice and never saw action again. After the war, largely because they were sick of discussing a five year old case, a court martial dismissed charges with a few curt words for him.

BTW - he was also suspected of stealing the locker housing all the pay for the soldiers/sailors of the expedition. Hence, his reluctance to risk losing his 'baggage'.

PS - the General he ignored re: the rescue, and who later arrested and testified against Revere? He was the grandfather of Henry Longfellow, who in 1861 composed the largely fictional poem that rescued Revere's reputation and made him a national hero.

It was written in 1861, when the US was entering the Civil War. It was important to create a unifying, patriotic myth. I think it vould have been John Doe for all Longfellow cared, as it was 3 generations removed.

Dec 16th

Aw, dangit. A great ballplayer, a great American. He spent 49 of his 92 years as a HOF'er. RIP Bob Feller.

I'm not sure I agree w/ choosing Nona as the winner of Hells Kitchen, but I sure as hell recognize Russell as a i prison term waiting to happen. Blaming his brigade for his loss, being pissy at the celebration, getting physical on the line - c'mon dude, grow up.

RIP director Blake Edwards

An ancient Roman statue has washed up on an Israeli beach.

Dec 17th

Yeah, I'm about done w/ this whole Tooth Fairy business. YaYa is whining, again, that we're ignoring her recent 'loss'. Whoopdeedoo. I'm lost teeth in the last five years, and what did *I* get? A bunch of dentist bills and a hillbily smile, thank you very much.

Dec 18th

QB Aaron Rodgers has been declared out for week's game. Matt Flynn will start in his place.

Quoting the BBC: Scientists say they have identified an embalmed head as belonging to King Henri IV of France, who was assassinated in 1610 at the age of 57.

Dec 19th

What a great 4th quarter rally in the [Philly] Vick-tory against the Giants. Wow. One to remember.

Fist off, congrats to Fabio for winning Survivor Honduras. Second, kudos to Matt Flynn for running a helluva game (until the last 30 seconds). I'm not usually a glass half-full guy, but if the Packers could battle the Pats on the road right down to the wire, then we're a better team than I thought.

Dec 20th

Here's an odd place for an otherwise sweet note: "Have a good night Mom & Dad. I love you! YaYa". The place she wrote it? On the first sheet of the toilet paper roll in the bathroom. I saw it and left it for Lisa, thinking she'd see it and we'd share a chuckle. Alas, I believe it went unseen and was put to a. . .more traditional use.

Recent viewing: 'Cirque de Freak: The Vampires Assistant' turned out to be a fun little movie, and well worth the spot on my Netflix queue. 'The Other Guys' was much funnier than advertised and I stand by my ever-present adoration of Will Ferrell. "Gator's bi**hes better be wearin jimmies!". Classic!


"Nothing shows more thoughtlessness than the idiocy that it makes no difference what you believe; it all depends on the way you live. On the contrary, we act on our beliefs; our ideas are motorsprings in action; if our thinking is bad our actions will be bad." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Not a Smart Move Dan

Bundled Junie up to brave the negative wind chill today and took her to school - only to realize MPS has a scheduled day off today. D'oh!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Photo Dump


30 Years Ago

30 years ago today Sr Pat, my kindergarten teacher, took our class to the music room across the hall to watch Reagan's inauguration. At some point during the broadcast it was announced that the Iran hostages were free, and I've never forgotten the look of relief on her face. "Thank God!" she said. I think she spoke for a lot of Americans that day.

A picture says a thousand words - a preview of Sunday's Packers/Bears NFC Championship Game

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thin Mints, peanut butter patties, lemonades, caramel delights with that crunchy coconut on top......You know you'll regret it if you miss it!! Contact either of my daughters for immediate service!. :- Lisa

Lisa is with the girls on a scouting field trip to PETCO. The girls are earning their PET CARE badge.

Zuppa Toscana - Danny's version

If you've been following me on Facebook (or reading my regurgitated FB updates here) than you know I've recently taken an interest in cooking. Right now I prepare dinner six nights out of seven. That's not as impressive as it might sound. After all, Lisa made dinner 365 days a year for much of our marriage. 

 Recently I made a big pot of Zuppa Toscana, a potato soup that's part of Olive Garden's menu. I found and followed a copycat recipe available here, but I did make some changes. 

 Here's the original ingredient list: 1 lb. Italian Sausage 2 large Russet potatoes, sliced in half, and then in 1/4 inch slices 1 large Onion, chopped 1/2 can Bacon Bits 2 cloves garlic minced 2 C. Kale or Swiss chard chopped 2 (14.5 ounce) cans Chicken Broth 1 qt. Water 1 C. Heavy Whipping Cream The recipe called for the potatoes, broth, water and garlic to be placed on medium heat until the potatoes were cooked. At that point the meat would be added and the soup left to simmer ten minutes. Then the kale and whipping cream is added, and the soup is heated and served. 

Ok. First off I cooked a batch big enough for my family, which meant doubling up the ingredients. I personalized it by using ground Italian sausage, 1/2# of which was a spicer variety. I substituted half and half for 2/3rds of the whipping cream, used low sodium broth for 1/3 the total, added fresh diced fennel, and added a bit more garlic than called for in the original recipe.

It was marvelous, but all hands agreed the soup was short on potato. Despite a broth friendly crowd, I had to boil additional potatoes and add them to the mix the next day. Like I said, it was marvelous. It's definitely added to our family repertoire. Try it yourself.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Devil & Buried

We just finished 'Devil', a movie created (but not directed) by M. Night Shyamalan. It's about 5 strangers stuck in an elevator. Sadly for 4 of the passengers, the 5th is the Devil. I expected cheese and instead found a suspenseful, entertaining horror film that was a teensy-bit short on the actual horror. {applause}

We also watched "Buried" w/ Ryan Reynolds, a film about a civilian contractor kidnapped & buried alive in Iraq. I think it would have made a suspenseful novel, but as a movie . . . well, to quote Lisa "it's about a guy in a box talking on the phone for two hours".

Some reviews - and written just for Slapinions!

When we started the DVD of The Killer Inside Me, Lisa asked what I considered the definition of film noir. "It's a crime movie," I said, "But dark and tragic. There's no real good guys, and it usually ends pretty bad for all the characters."

After the movie (which she loved) Lisa turned to me and said "Yup, that's noir all right."

I already mentioned Lisa loved the film, which stars Casey Affleck, Kate Hudson, Warren Beatty and Jessica Alba. As for me, I very much enjoyed the first and last third of the film but felt the middle sagged and lost my attention. Still, a very good flick.

Oh, and phoeey to actors who say their jobs aren't cushy. The guy got to roll around naked with Hudson and Alba and was paid for the privilege. I should be so lucky.

Speaking of noir, The Social Network fits the bill, even if it didn't involve a crime (or, if you side with some folks, merely a white-collar crime). It was dark - in tone, in setting, in the filmwork and soundtrack - and there were precious few good guys in sight. I don't know how much of it is true, and I don't care; it was a great, great film. I hope it wins the Oscar.

The film did inspire me to read the book on which it was based, The Accidental Billionares - The Founding of Facebook A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal by Ben Mezrich.

As a read it's quick, juicy, and entertaining. As journalism . . . blech. It's no suprise the people who agreed to an interview are treated kindly, while those who refused are crucified. I don't pretend to know where the unadulterated truth lies, but I'm reasonably certain this opinionated work is nowhere close to the mark.

* * *

The Town is a tale of robbery and violence in Boston's Charlestown. Ben Affleck, who both starred in and directed the film, did a fine job. Some of the action sequences were the best I've seen in years, and Lisa and I both give the movie a big thumbs up.

The same night we watched The Town and The Social Network, we also rented Renee Zellweger's Case 39, a horror film of the Demon Seed variety. To our surprise, the film was pretty damn good. Not a mad night for movies, eh?

Alas, Mr. Woodcock did not win our favor. It's a fun concept that was executed very poorly. Characters acted at odds with themsleves and with reality. Apologize? APOLOGOIZE??? To a sadistic, child abusing madman? Yeah, uh, NO. A waste of time. Crap.

Continuing our string of TV via Netflix, we've finished Season Five of Top Chef (NY). I disagree with giving Hosea the crown. Sure, he was my favorite and he aced the final, but overall Steffan was the better chef. Oh, well.

A few weeks ago our friend Chris bought Michael Jackson's Michael. It's not a bad album, but to my ears it's too retro. Would MJ have put out an album with the same sound that he used twenty years ago? I don't think so. Then again, what the heck do I know? I will say, the first track 'Hold My Hand' is quite good.

Winter Junie


 Convey Calm 

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Entrance Band

I stumbled across The Entrance Band on local station 4.3, which played the video of "Lookout" one fine evening. I was impressed by their hypnotic psychedelic/garage band sound. 18 years I'd have snatched up their albums with joy.
