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Friday, February 18, 2011


YaYa's junior troop is doing a service project and needs to collect a few things. If you'd like to help her troop out they need: men's socks, men's underwear, wash cloths, travel size soap, shampoo, prayer cards/coins, tooth brushes/paste. Our goal is to make 50 small care packages for a shelter, so it's a great cause. No donation too small - Lisa

I'm Done

Done with the political bullshit. Both sides. I'll say no more. I now only care about important things like what's on bravo or which drag queen has to lip-sync for their lives. I also hate you all. - Lisa

update: My sealed lips lasted 18 hours, almost a record for me. It's so hard, as you know. Passion runs deep

Teacher "Flu"

 Woke up to discover MPS is closed with the teacher 'flu'. Not that I'm cynical or anything, but I do note that with the scheduled day off on Monday MPS teachers have now guaranteed themselves a 4 day weekend with which to spend their average salary of $46K (for working 9 months a yr w/ wknds and holidays off). But it's not about $ people, it's about their rights!

MY kids have school today. So glad we chose this school. Catholic schools, consider them! - Lisa

Thursday, February 17, 2011

People who get on my nerves: Those who always have to have the last word ...also people who say "no" with no guilt, but then won't take your no for an answer. UGH. - LIsa

A Stupid Quote

 Stay away from the crack . . .unless you can manage it socially - Charlie Sheen

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Smiley does a Petition!!!

Smiley volunteered to do a petition @ the school Mass this morning, & all props to the teacher for letting him do it despite his speech problems. We've got him all gussied up & are planning to attend in force, & he's practiced all week. "For all soldiers we pray to the Lord". Sadly, he's so worried about it he had several nightmares last night, meaning sound sleep was in short supply here.


 "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On Lara Logan

Lara Logan [The CBS reporter who was gang raped and beaten by a mob of Egyptian 'democracy' protesters] should sue the crap out of cbs.....why have security and camera men at all if they aren't going to do their jobs?! She was basically a bunny amongst wolves. - Lisa

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Nook Complaint

Big fan of the Nook, as you know, and I favor the reading experience and battery life of the b&w over the Color, but I gotta tell ya - the inability to read in dim light is wearing on me. As soon as twilight arrives your reading is done, long before a booklight would be needed for a traditional page. Not liking the idea that a Color might be the weapon of choice when funds allow.

My LuLu in Shades (and some of her work!)



 Enough is as good as a feast

I Spit on Your Grave

 After the Grammy's we (well, Lisa) baked cupcakes for the kids' Valentines Day treats, then settled down to watch 'I Spit on Your Grave'. It's a remake of a '70's film where a woman is gang-raped and left for dead, only to return & kill off her attackers in Saw-esque scenarios. Ten years ago, I'd have labeled the movie and *all* of its characters 'retarded'. Now, dutifully PC, I don't know how to describe it.

"The Ice Bowl: The Cold Truth About Football's Most Unforgettable Game" by Ed Gruver.

While waiting for the kids at dance class I finished "The Ice Bowl: The Cold Truth About Football's Most Unforgettable Game" by Ed Gruver. Stylish writing, great detail, tons of research; just a great read. Be forewarned tho' - the ebook version is awash in typos that don't appear in the print edition.

Happy Valentines Day!

 Only have 60 or so cupcakes to frost.... Happy Valentines Yo!

-  Lisa

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammy NIght

 Great day at work, lousy night at home. Anyhwho, now we're watching the Grammy's. For the first time ever there has yet to be a nominee or performer whose album I haven't heard, start to finish, at least once. I feel all knowledgeable and schtuff.

Esperanza Spalding wins best new artist . . . [sx: crickets chirp]. She wouldn't have been my FOURTH choice out of the nominees. What a waste of airtime.

Yo, Babs: if you are presenting a Grammy, best not to stammer over the winner's album title. Kinda gives the impression you don't know them or their work (which you don't).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Martha Stewart takes the ordinary and makes it beautiful. Katie Brown takes the beautiful and makes it hideous. Sometimes I think she plays it for the camp factor. That has to be it, right?

A Rough Night

Horrible nightmares all night, one rolling right into the next. Not a good night.


"He was a stupid man, he knew nothing at all of the world, and like all men who knew nothing of the world, he was suspicious and jealous" - The Duke of Wellington, on the jailor of Napoleon, Hudson Lowe


Friday, February 11, 2011

Never Say Never

Just back from work, in time to see Lisa and LuLu off to the movies for a special Mom/daughter day.

Soon I'll be off to see the Bieber flick w/ my 7 year old LuLu...she's soooo excited. Hard not to have some of that joy rub off - Lisa

Lu's reaction to the Bieber movie? "It's freakin' AWESOME!!!". She and Lisa were happy to get primo seats w/out any hassles, in lg part because they caught the last matinee. On the way out they said teenage girls in PJ's and "Bieber warpaint" were lined up around the corner hoping for good seats for the 1st evening show.

A Good Time with 3 kids while Lu is at the movies with Mom

Having a good time with the kids while Lu is at the movies with Lisa.

YaYa took photographs of drops of food coloring she suspended in water, Smiley and I made paper boats and Junie is running around half naked endlessly repeating "Ohmygoodnessohmygoodness".

And Dean Martin's album "Dino" is playing. Dean Martin's voice is like buttah, infinitely easier on the ears than Sinatra. It never fails to make me smile.

Smiley Learns the Truth about the Tooth Fairy

Smiley just asked if the tooth fairy was real. I asked him if he wanted the truth, & he repeated the ?, as he's prone to do w/ his speech problems.

"I understood you, I want to know if u want the truth."

When he said he did I told him it wasn't real, and that I was the tooth fairy.

"Or Mom," he said, very serious. He thought for a second longer. "Mom is. Fairies are girls. "

The Cypress House by MIchael Koryta

 'tho it meant going to work on shy of 4hrs sleep, I stayed up to finish 'The Cypress House' by Michael Koryta. It's a supernatural story set in the gloomy swamps of Depression-era Florida. Very well written & satisfying. Count me as a fan.

Yeah NO.

NEVER ask for what should be offered - a quote from Winter's Bone, and one that rings true. We used it just this week to teach LuLu a lesson about pride. She was hurt that she's never asked over to a friend's house, while other (wealthier?) kids are, and wanted to call and ask the parents for an invitation. Hell to the No.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Middle Men

I just turned off "Middle Men" w/ 45 min left on the DVD. How do you take a film about porn, strippers, drugs & the mob and make it boring? For starters, bury it under so much narration you think you're listening to an audio book. This ain't Goodfellas, buddy, & you're no Scorsese. Show us the story, don't recite it. Yawn.