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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Eleven Minutes

After work tonight we sat down & watched "Eleven Minutes" a documentary about the creation of Jay McCaroll's 2007 fashion line. Fascinating to watch, and Jay is certainly a character. Interesting fact: he turned down the prize $ from his win on Project Runway, citing the fact that the contract gave 10% of his earnings, in perpetuity, to the PR production company.

Other than Molly, is anyone on here going to Madison to support Gov. Walker? Someone asked me to go, but I have to work this morning - insert lame joke about how only teachers can skip work w/out penalty. Anyhow, if you are heading to that mess, stay safe. It could get ugly, esp since unions are bringing in folks from out of state to swell their numbers. (that's a fact out of the JS front page article, not opinion).

Friday, February 18, 2011


 tried and failed to secure Taylor Swift tix for YaYa . The only ones i could get were out of my price range, and efforts to borrow the xtra $ were for naught. So I failed my 1st born again. Wonderful.

The Best Quote about Writing. Ever.

 I can't understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars. - the late great Fred Allen

True Grit by Charles Portis

 I've finished Charles Portis' novel 'True Grit'. It's a very short book, written as a monologue by the teenage heroine a half century after the events. I love the voice Portis gave the character; think Huck Finn with a bad temper and a cranky disposition. Well worth a read.


YaYa's junior troop is doing a service project and needs to collect a few things. If you'd like to help her troop out they need: men's socks, men's underwear, wash cloths, travel size soap, shampoo, prayer cards/coins, tooth brushes/paste. Our goal is to make 50 small care packages for a shelter, so it's a great cause. No donation too small - Lisa

I'm Done

Done with the political bullshit. Both sides. I'll say no more. I now only care about important things like what's on bravo or which drag queen has to lip-sync for their lives. I also hate you all. - Lisa

update: My sealed lips lasted 18 hours, almost a record for me. It's so hard, as you know. Passion runs deep

Teacher "Flu"

 Woke up to discover MPS is closed with the teacher 'flu'. Not that I'm cynical or anything, but I do note that with the scheduled day off on Monday MPS teachers have now guaranteed themselves a 4 day weekend with which to spend their average salary of $46K (for working 9 months a yr w/ wknds and holidays off). But it's not about $ people, it's about their rights!

MY kids have school today. So glad we chose this school. Catholic schools, consider them! - Lisa

Thursday, February 17, 2011

People who get on my nerves: Those who always have to have the last word ...also people who say "no" with no guilt, but then won't take your no for an answer. UGH. - LIsa

A Stupid Quote

 Stay away from the crack . . .unless you can manage it socially - Charlie Sheen