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Thursday, March 17, 2011

 The sink/vanity is done. All that remains is to replace the medicine chest mirror.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

 The dryawall is mudded/sanded/painted, the vanity and sink are installed . . . and the bleeping j-trap is too short for the new pipe. So we are stalled at 90% .. .

A Sleepy Day

Soooooo tired. Exhausted really. I'm confused. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or if this is some flukey 'sleepy' day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

 Lots of child abuse stories in the news...makes me sick. - Lisa

On Japan

I have nothing but praise for the Japanese and their character during this tragedy. The damage there is so much worse than it was in NOLA, and yet there are no reports of looting, of mass rape, or of violence. They deserve the help and respect of the world.

In Progress - The Bathroom Sink Replacement


Earthquake and Tsunami

I have nothing but praise for the Japanese and their character during this tragedy. Compare their attitude & actions w/ those of our our own people in NOLA - the devastation and loss of life/property is so much worse in Japan and yet there are no reports of looting, of mass rape, or of violence. They deserve the help and respect of the world.

Monday, March 14, 2011

 Any guy dumb enough to label Jean Harlow and Carole Lombard as 'average' while worshiping Julia 'Secretariat' Roberts should have his man parts removed forthwith.

A Small Bathroom Remodel

 10 o'clock at night and we've decided to begin our (minor) bathroom remodel. I've disconnected the pipes and removed the old sink, and Lisa just undid the antique medicine cabinet. Stamped on the back of the mirror and hidden for decades: "[illegible] Glass Co., November 18, 1938, Cincinnati Ohio."