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Friday, August 26, 2011

22 Runs??

22 to 9? Holy 27 rings Batman. The Yanks set a MLB record with 3 grand slams in a single game Thursday.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

BTW, RIP Aaliyah, ten years on . . .

Look for me this Sunday

The Journal-Sentinel is going to publish a column I wrote about the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It'll be published in the Sunday edition of 9-11-11, the first time my writing will appear in the hallowed Sunday 'Crossroads' section.

Doctor Who Series 6

OK, I just finished the first disc of Series 6/Pt 1 of Doctor Who. I thought "The Curse of the Black Spot" was lame, lame, lame, and in retrospect I shoulda/coulda/woulda fast forwarded the whole dang thing. OTOH, "The Doctor's Wife", the episode written (mostly) by Neil Gaiman, rocked. I love the notion of the TARDIS interacting with the Doctor, and I'm pleased to see a bit of the mythology expanded upon - a pretty neat trick for a show in it's 48th year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Sports Illustrated Issue with the Brewers on the Cover

This is going to earn me more anger than it's worth, but I wish all the Brewers fans clamoring for a copy of SI would nut up and quit acting like rubes. We are a large metropolitan area with a franchise in its fifth decade, and yet the cover of SI inspires such childlike idiocy. Good grief - a DT from Nebraska was last week's coverboy! To paraphrase Lombardi, Milwaukee, act like you've been there before.

(BTW, belated congrats to Prince Fielder for becoming the first MLB player in 2011 to notch 100 RBI's.)

YaYa's new Do


kids and lisa are @ BN (Barnes and Noble) enjoying a back to school storytime


Need went deeper than proscription - Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Gadhafi

While the world seems all giddy-goo over the likely fall of Gadhafi, I call B.S. You're ditching a known but neutered bad guy in exchange for a bunch of unknowns who will - I'm sure - install a fair, democratic gov't that is pro-US & believes in equality of the sexes, the right of Israel to exist, & freedom of speech. OR they'll install a Sharia gov't that'll serve as the Iraq for the next generation of American soldiers. Either/or. What a crock.

fred, let's try to speak tonight, once i get some more who under my belt

Better Off Ted

A few nights ago we finished up season 1 of "Better Off Ted". It was a very funny, very well written show that deserved more than the chance it received.