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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Green Lantern

BTW, watched 'Green Lantern' last night. If u forget the embarrassing exposition that started the movie, and closed ur eyes 2 some of the script's weaknesses, it was actually pretty darn entertaining.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm watching live coverage of the crash on 41/45 near Holy Hill Rd. Two semis, at least 3 cars, and 160 gallons of diesel fuel. Yikes.

Heavy D

RIP rapper Heavy D, age 44

Sleepy Time for Junie

Joe Frazier

RIP "Smokin" Joe Frazier, heavyweight champion of the world and Ali's greatest foe. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zhu Zhu and Penguins

Today we picked up NINE Zhu Zhu pets (all working, but two not 'running') and one Club Penguin figurine, along w/ various other toys for $5.50. Rock on Value Village, Rock on.

A Walk in the Park with Smiley and Ginger

Over this past weekend I took my two youngest for a walk to a friends house, only to divert to the park when my friend was called away. We spent quite a bit of time enjoying the sights, especially the pond at the center of the park.





They greatly enjoyed playing on the rocks at the edge of the water.


It was a very nice walk, and a great time with two great kids.
