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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kiss Me Deadly

I just finished watching "Kiss Me Deadly" a 1955 Mike Hammer film considered a masterpiece of dark, paranoid noir. (recently released on Criterion, it was playing on PBS) True to its reputation, the characters are dark, brooding, sadistic, and lacking any moral center. Damn good film. And the ending - YIKES! 66 years later and I honestly think the last four minutes are among the most frightening you'll see. The sound effects alone gave me the willies!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Captain America

Normally I find superhero movies tedious at best, and usually nothing more than an excuse to spend $ on f/x instead of a script. Not so with 'Captain America', which I greatly enjoyed. The emphasis was on the story and the character (of the man, not the 'hero') and I thought it was well done start to finish. I even enjoyed the '40's visuals and look forward to seeing more of Cap. (Smiley and Lu also enjoyed the film, tho' Yaya  ducked out halfway through).

Thursday, November 17, 2011


LOL'ing through an episode of Friends (the one where Ross meets Phoebe's future husband - "Chandler watches shark porn!")

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


After work/dance/X-Factor I rented "Chained" an Aussie film set in the '70's. Jules is a mid-level mob guy who's given control of a brothel that deals in women forced into sexual slavery. His conscience starts to get the best of him, putting him at odds with his bosses. Horrible reviews on the web, just awful - but I liked it. I really did. Sure, it had flaws and the accents were so strong that at times I had to resort to the subtitles (which were only in Spanish!) to understand the dialogue. Still, Paul Murphy was great as Jules, and I liked the character a lot. Worth the price of a Redbox rental, for sure.

Semi-Celebrity Sighting

Today I sold a Nook to former Brewer Jerry Augustine, who was buying it for a woman who will care for him after upcoming surgery. I also sold one to Ms. Charney's husband (as a gift for her).

Monday, November 14, 2011


If the Dodgers sign Matt Kemp to an 8 year/$160 million contract, as is likely the case, then they're bleepin' morons.

Also - I had a 30 point lead going into tonight's Packers game . . . and courtesy of Aaron Rodgers, I have now *lost* this weeks fantasy matchup. 'Tis worth it, to watch Aaron pick apart the Vikings on MNF. (and there's still much of a quarter to go)

Lisa Composes a Poem

For Halloween, Lisa had to compose a nursery rhyme for Junie to take to school to accompany her (award winning) unicorn costume. Here it is: There once a unicorn named Uni/She was cute as can be, but puny/Wherever she went, she galloped so slow/her friends laughed and called her looney

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Beaver

Last night we watched Jodie Foster's "The Beaver", a stunning examination of the impact mental illness has on a family. It's the rare script I wish I could take credit for, and Mel Gibson's nuanced performance was spellbinding. He is a man of incredible talent, & kudos to Foster for thumbing her nose @ the powers that be and casting him. A++

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pearl Harbor Christmas: A World at War December 1941 by Stanley Weintraub

I finished reading "Pearl Harbor Christmas: A World at War December 1941" by Stanley Weintraub. It's an account of the first month the US spent in WWII, and while it was a decent read I'd classify it as "History Lite" (think a one hour PBS special, as opposed to an in-depth, well sourced treatise). 

Anyhow, I did enjoy the breathtaking story of the "Robert E Peary", a freighter that escaped Japanese detection in the Pacific, survived fierce friendly fire, and managed to limp into Port Darwin, Australia nearly intact.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Smiley and his lady

Smiley and his "wife" of two years, Tempe


Gizzie ~ How odd to think this cat out lived Maddie , Cocoa and everyone else !! Stolen any ham lately :) - Katie 

Five Chiefs: A Supreme Court Memoir by John Paul Stevens

I finished reading 'Five Chiefs: A Supreme Court Memoir' by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. I learned a lot about the workings of the court, but it was so dry that it seems doomed to be forgotten.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Graphic seen on ABC Nightly News w/ Diane Sawyer: 'Choas reigns on Campus' (sic). Sctuff like that didn't happen when Peter Jennings was alive, let me tell ya.

A People of Hope: Archbishop Timothy Dolan in conversation with John L. Allen Jr

I finished reading "A People of Hope: Archbishop Timothy Dolan in conversation with John L. Allen Jr". It's a book length interview w/ Dolan on many of the issues concerning the Church today. A great read, tempered by Allen's tendency to insert pop culture references into his commentary. I love Dolan's theory of "affirmative orthodoxy" btw.

Elecktra Luxx

Watched "Elecktra Luxx" a film about a recently retired porn star, an adoring blogger/fan, a cheating housewife, and a dead rock star. You'd think it would be raunchy and vulgar, but you know what? It was kind of sweet, and oddly Catholic. Really. A respect for the unborn, an emphasis on love and relationships, and even sincere prayers to the Virgin Mary. An entertaining if odd little film.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I honestly never thought I'd see the day

Penn State has fired Joe Paterno . . .

Green Lantern

BTW, watched 'Green Lantern' last night. If u forget the embarrassing exposition that started the movie, and closed ur eyes 2 some of the script's weaknesses, it was actually pretty darn entertaining.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm watching live coverage of the crash on 41/45 near Holy Hill Rd. Two semis, at least 3 cars, and 160 gallons of diesel fuel. Yikes.

Heavy D

RIP rapper Heavy D, age 44

Sleepy Time for Junie

Joe Frazier

RIP "Smokin" Joe Frazier, heavyweight champion of the world and Ali's greatest foe. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011