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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Wanted Man, Rock of Ages, and Airborne

Recently I watched a History Channel documentary called “The Third Reich: The Rise” which used contemporary footage to chronicle not Hitler’s rise, but the growing acceptance of Nazism in the ‘30’s. It was a powerful film, and well done. You should try and catch it the next time it’s on TV.

Two points however: the doc stresses that Jews accounted for less than 1 out of every 13 German citizens at the time Hitler took office. That’s less than 8% of the population, and one has to figure that the majority of that 7+% were women and children, and a fair number were no doubt poor or living paycheck to paycheck. The documentary closes with text stating that the funds confiscated from these [German] Jews funded approx 30% of the cost of Germany’s war effort.  That’s 30% of the cost of a six year, total war fought on three continents. That’s a staggering sum, and it raises some questions:

One – how accurate are the figures presented in the documentary? Are they limited to just the German Jews, as implied, or does it include the citizenry of occupied lands?

Two – if a tiny portion of your population can fund 30% of such a bottomless hole, it should raise the question of whether the anti-semitism and racial profiling of the Nazi’s was simply an sick, elaborate smokescreen for what amounted to class warfare.

Was institutional mass murder just the result of old fashioned greed?  Oddly, that sounds almost worse, doesn't it? I almost prefer the barbarism of religious and racial hate, because then at least the motives, while horribly wrong, were at least hot-blooded.


I’ve finished reading Lee Child’s latest Reacher novel, A Wanted Man. Reacher hitchhikes on a lonely country road and is picked up by a car just as the local sheriff orders roadblocks on the highway. It seems there’s been a murder, and the killers are almost certainly on the road, but what are the odds the killers would take the time to stop and pick up everyone’s favorite former MP/hitchhiker? This is a good adventure novel from the great Lee Child. The stakes escalate exponentially, and for a second I thought Child was going to go wobbly and venture into paranoid conspiracy land, but he reined it in nicely – if you view world-endangering espionage and armed assault as ‘nice’. Grade: A Book #80 of the year

Yesterday Lisa and I watched “Airborne”, a low budget horror film set on a sparsely occupied trans-Atlantic flight where things begin to get a little crazy. Of special note: it features Mark Hamill in a supporting role. He does an admirable job, even if he does look like a chubby old man the Force forgot, but no movie featuring the man should have a character named “Luke”. It’s an insult. As to the movie itself, I was surprised by how entertaining and nearly intelligent it was, with the ‘nearly’ sneaking in during the third act, when the plot is fouled by the introduction of an ‘ancient curse’. Scratch that crud and you’re looking at a B/B-; with it I can’t give them better than a C+

Finally, Lisa and I rented Rock of Ages, the film version of the Broadway musical. There's only the thinnest thread of a plot, and what there is of it is recycled from every rock and roll film ever made, but the all-star cast was great and the music spawned a sing-along in our living room. Tom Cruise, all his zaniness aside, is an incredibly talented man - his performance as Stacee Jaxx made the film for me. Kudos also to Diego Boneta and Catherine Zeta-Jones. It's cheese, but it's good cheese. Grade: B

My first month on FB - pt 2

Just to head off the inevitable reports about how Fox is evil for not carrying yet another talk by the Prez - here's the scoop. As the article explains, when the conference was originally scheduled for 8pm CST NBC was going to skip it and run their own program. Now Fox had to make the call. It all depends on how much $ is invested in the programming set to be bumped. Business is business.

It's all business, as the broadcast network had already scheduled a new two-hour edition of "So You Think You Can Dance," one of the most successful summer "reality" shows.
July 22, 2009 at 10:46 am Friends

Pearl Jam's new song "The Fixer" is on the web. I'm (happily) suprised that it has a strong pop sound, w/ kind of an '80's vibe. Or so I gather while sitting here wrestling with the baby for possession of a bag of tortilla chips . . . .which she just dumped all over the floor. Curse me for reproducing so often. If only I wasn't so good at it.

July 22, 2009 at 12:02 pm Friends

What's up with all the miltiary jets coming out of Mitchell today? They keep buzzing overhead, even with the current rain showers.
July 23, 2009 at 1:48 pm Friends

I know some of you on this site will recognize the name and his work, even if, like me, you've never read his novels.

A Random House executive has confirmed to BV Newswire that best-selling author E. Lynn Harris has died.He was 54. Harris was on tour, promoting his 11th novel, 'Basketball Jones,' which involved an NBA ...
July 24, 2009 at 6:36 pm Friends

At Job Prior I was a business rep on the design team for the project in the article. A "$1.5 million . . . streetscaping project on a 4.5-mile stretch of the roadway, from College Avenue to Kinnickinnic River Parkway."

I've very sad to read that since I left the job the artwork has changed, as I designed one of the early logos. It seemed to fit the bill quite nicely.

F* it. The street is an economic mess, and it will take more than some new hardscaping to turn it around.

Greenfield — Some changes along South 27th Street - a $1.5 million streetscaping project, for one - are certainly going to happen.
July 24, 2009 at 8:34 pm Friends

I'm a dork.

On Baseball Think Factory there's an article about Yankees' security with the headline "Beware the Toasties". Naturally I commented with the following:

"IIRC, the New Kids on the Block have an unreleased song from the '80' entitled Toasties. Just thought I'd share."

The first comment after it: "Just thought [you would] share? Why??"

Rare NKOTB song, "Toasties"
July 26, 2009 at 6:07 pm Friends

I've said before that David Tennant was in grave danger of passing Jon Pertwee as my favorite Doctor ever, and now I think it's official. Plus, after seeing the two part "Human Nature", I think I now have a new favorite episode, possibly the first that I'll ever force Lisa to sit down and watch. Best. Sci-Fi. Series. Ever.

ps. Martha Jones aka Freema Agyman . . . my word.

July 27, 2009 at 11:12 am Friends

The Journal is asking me to write a column that I'm sure would lead to (more) hate mail and serious flack. Hell, I got hate mail when I wrote about SNOW. They asked for volunteers, and when no one raised their hand she wrote me and asked if I'd please d
July 28, 2009 at 12:05 pm Friends

Well, the Journal settled matters. The editor sent out a mass email announcing I'd been assigned the column before I even said yes. yee-haw. Great.
July 28, 2009 at 3:40 pm Friends

For all my b*tching and moaning, the column poured out onto the page easy-peezy, and it's already in the editor's mailbox. So what to do with the rest of the night . . .
July 28, 2009 at 11:21 pm Friends

Given the fact that the seven defendants are accused of "plotting violent jihad overseas, and are charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and conspiracy to murder, kidnap, maim and injure" I'm reckoning the FBI had no need of the stunt she alleges. And if they for some reason did pull a fast one on her, well and good - better that then a single life lost, even if it does jeopardize a potential court case.
A woman whose husband and two sons are accused of plotting "violent jihad" overseas said federal authorities tricked her into leaving her home so they could search it.
July 29, 2009 at 7:15 pm Friends

To those who continue to be in denial about the BoSox, and believe only my belovd Yankees were cursed by PED's . . David Ortiz say's hello.

Slugging stars David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez, who helped deliver the Boston Red Sox their first world championship in 86 years in 2004 and a second title in 2007, are among the names on the list of 104players ...
July 30, 2009 at 1:08 pm Friends

I will give you one, no TWO, scooby-snacks if you are willing to do my dishes before Lisa returns home with the kids. Ok . . three?? Anyone???
July 30, 2009 at 2:16 pm Friends

I did jack today, other than play with the baby and write. I'll try to hit the dishes after work. I did, however, mail out the party invites and bake the brownies as a treat for the kids tonight.
July 30, 2009 at 2:53 pm

I've always enjoyed his column, and I wish him well.

It's fitting that my last column runs the day that the federal government ends its coupon program for digital TV converter boxes. The digital transition is complete. But the end of Inside TV & Radio is part of a much broader transition that's affecting everything we read, watch, and listen to.
July 31, 2009 at 1:14 pm Friends

Former President Corazon Aquino, who swept away a dictator and then sustained democracy by fighting off seven coup attempts in six years, has died, her family said Friday. She was 76.
July 31, 2009 at 4:50 pm Friends

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

9 Years Ago

9 years ago today Aaron Boone provided one of the best moments in Yankees history. Man, what a game that was!

George McGovern

90 year old former Sen and Presidential Candidate George McGovern has been admitted to a hospice. . .

update: RIP former U.S. Sen. George McGovern. I don't have many memories of him firsthand. I do recall my parents did NOT vote for him, despite rarely deviating from voting Democratic, because his anti-Vietnam stance was seen as too extreme by my parents. Keep in mind in that in 72, my Dad was only 3 years removed from his time in Vietnam. 

Benghazi Fallout

Nice to see Hilary Clinton throw herself on a sword for the President over his failure in Libya . . . I don't buy it, but I'm not the target audience.

Ginger's 5th Birthday Party - pt 2

After her birthday party we completed the 2nd half of Lump/Ginger's 5th Birthday celebration - a trip to the State Fair!

We got lucky at the admission booth. Unbeknownst to us it was a family day, and I think the total cost of admissions for the six of us was $10 at most. Sweet.

Our first stop was the expo building, which is always the center of the fair for me. Within one aisle though, the kids spotted a rock climbing wall and insisted on giving it a shot. Lu tried it and climbed to the top. Ginger tried it and fearlessly climbed as high as she could (not far). Smiley refused to give it a shot until the girls had already done, and then hemmed and hawed and got all of five or six feet in the air before giving up.Yikes







Next up was the Nail Ritz booth, where Lisa worked each year. The kids all had designs painted on their nails, even Smiley (a macho skull and crossbones for him) and Lisa bought a kit for home.






We wandered through the expo building for a bit longer but the kids got on our nerves, wanting this and this and that until it was insufferable. Enough of that - outside we went.

We walked around for a minute or two, got some lemonade and just barely missed the pig races. The kids did partake of the Giant Slide and enjoyed the heck out of it.




 Then we went and looked at some of the animal buildings, where they 'drove' a tractor and combine and played in a pit of grain before Lisa sat the kids down for a group photo for her key chain.



An unbend-able rule of parenthood: one kid will always - ALWAYS           - do something goofy that ruins an otherwise great picture. This time around Smiley looked all askew, but the other three kids looked so great it was still worth the money. While we were waiting for the picture I bought a small box of legendary cream puffs  knocking that off our annual checklist. Unfortunately the heat later made my cream puffs liquefy and drip all over my leg (eww), so I never got to enjoy them as I would have liked.

From there it was onto the midway, or whatever they called the area this year. Here we split up. I waited for Lu and YaYa, who decided to ride a couple of rides together, including Pharaoh's Fury. Smiley had insisted on going to the haunted house, so Lisa went with the two little one's.









When we reunited I got the whole scoop. As I had expected, Smiley chickened out and wouldn't even wait in line for the haunted house, much less go inside. Likewise, he refused to chance any ride that Lisa suggested. Eventually, fed up with waiting for her brother, Ginger simply went on a pair of rides by herself, drawing stares from scared nine year olds who would never brave it solo themselves.

Good for you, Ginger. Smiley . . . well,  Smiley, this isn't your most glorious tale. :)

But the irony of it is that Smiley's refusal to ride led to the biggest individual score of the day. He used his share of ride tickets to play some carnival games and took home a royal blue squid hat!


After the last of the tickets were used up, and dusk was settling in, I bought the kids foot long corn dogs and we all had a seat on the grass where we watched a super high, super cool looking ride be serviced. (apparently, not only was it mechanically suspect but it had been installed far too close to buildings for comfort). We left this little oasis when some schumtz made a comment on how "kids shouldn't run in sandals" - refering to Ginger - and I felt my dander rise.



(one note: around this time we passed a camel ride. I wanted to ride, but the weight limit was set at 275. This inspired me and I hope to use this as a goal for next year)

With night now upon us we returned to the expo building. In due course I bought:

Lisa a gold anklet
the household a set of ShamWows
myself a calfskin wallet with built in coin purse (it's in my pocket as I type)
Lu a twig made into a pencil, a giant pickle, a green peace sign necklace and some stuff I can't remember
YaYa got her eybrows threaded and an owl ring
Ginger and Smiley both got stuffed animals, although Lisa and I both hated buying them because the vendor was a jerk who wouldn't negotiate the price.

There was a gold crucifix there that I really wanted but couldn't justify buying at the time. Here's a picture of it, just in case Santa is listening :)


So in summary: some exasperating moments with the kids, but all in all a fun way to round off Ginger's birthday, and with all the walking not a bad day of exercise either!
