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Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yesterday I watched Dark Knight Rises and prohibited the kids from joining me due to the graphic content. Tonight I rented Resident Evil: Retribution and gleefully watched it with Lu and YaYa  Hypocritical? No, mon ami. DK is a stark retelling of the world as it sadly is, while RE is but a cartoon fantasy. Plus, the children must know how best to handle the upcoming zombie apocalypse, and I do feel they picked up a trick or two.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Jack Klugman

RIP Jack Klugman. From The Twilight Zone, Odd Couple and Quincy, I loved your work. And what an instantly recognizable voice. RIP

t's a Wonderful Life

Lisa and I are watching "It's a Wonderful Life" on NBC. It remains my favorite movie ever. No contest - there's not a scene that doesn't make me smile and/or cry.  Just seeing it on the screen makes this awful Christmas week nearly tolerable.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Facebook - October 2009 (bonus coverage of the Yanks run to their 27th World Championship!)

Nice to see TBS pimp the "A-Rod is in a slump cr*p" every time he steps to the plate. [bleep] [bleeps].
October 7, 2009 at 6:26 pm Friends

2 out RBI hit for A-Rod. :)
October 7, 2009 at 7:06 pm Friends

Followed by a two run blast by Matsui. The floodgates are open.
October 7, 2009 at 7:10 pm

Arod: 3 AB's with RISP and 2 out = 3 hits, 3 RBI. I may just swoon from all the love I feel. Seriously.
October 9, 2009 at 7:20 pm Friends

2 run home run by A-Rod in the bottom of the ninth to tie it up . . . I bow to you, Oh Great One of This and Any Era!
October 9, 2009 at 8:42 pm Friends

Arod does it again. He toyed with Pavano, then yanked one to the opposite field to pull the Yanks even.
October 11, 2009 at 8:07 pm Friends

"There goes an A-Bomb from A-Rod!" lol
October 11, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Congrats to my Yanks as they move on to the ALCS for the first time since 2004. ARod's line in the 3 gms of the 2009 ALDS: .455, 2HR, 6 RBI.
October 11, 2009 at 9:42 pm Friends

Ok! magazine is running with a story claiming ARod has asked Goldie Hawn for permission to marry her daughter (Kate Hudson). This can't wait til we have ring #27 people? There's playoffs to worry about!
October 12, 2009 at 3:04 am Friends

Lisa just took LuLu to the ER after she woke up short of breath with chest pain. Hopefully (?!) it's 'just' her first/last horrific asthma attack.
October 12, 2009 at 6:24 am Friends

Legendary wrestling figure Captain Lou Albano, perhaps best known for his association with pop singer Cyndi Lauper, died Wednesday, according to World Wrestling Entertainment.
October 14, 2009 at 3:07 pm Friends

"Safety Third!" - Mike Rowe
October 14, 2009 at 8:09 pm Friends

Random Jon and Kate thought: Jon's full name is spelled "Johnathon", which is an odd spelling, but then he shortens it to 'Jon', which to me has always read like a poor man's spelling of "John". Huh. Deep.
October 15, 2009 at 1:35 am Friends

Another night’s sleep lost to this damn toothache, w/ the dentist appt. pushed back another week. At least I got something done 2night, hammering out a column for the Journal.
October 15, 2009 at 3:48 am Friends

Funniest snark comment I've gotten: merging my whine about my tooth with my Mike Rowe Quote, Carlos wrote ""Mike Rowe's dirtiest job would be your dentist"
October 15, 2009 at 12:57 pm Friends

Milwaukee Public Library just Facebooked to say their health presentation @ Center St. library is cancelled today . . due to illness
October 15, 2009 at 12:59 pm Friends

I was going to say this week’s episode wasn't worth a prison riot, but the show in question was actually the Jim and Pam wedding, so . . . yeah, it was.
Apparently one Sheboygan County Jail inmate isn't a fan of
October 16, 2009 at 8:20 am Friends

A-Rod, 0-2 in the bottom of the eleventh, blasts a game tying home run to the opposite field - and w/out full arm extension! Truly, my man love for A-Rod has reached unhealthy proportions.
October 18, 2009 at 12:18 am Friends

Lest we forget, Mariano shut down the Angels for 2 1/3 innings.
October 18, 2009 at 1:15 am Friends

Pope Benedict XVI has has created a new church structure for Anglicans who want to join the Roman Catholic Church.
October 20, 2009 at 1:00 pm Friends

Barnes & Noble is launching the "Nook" in November to compete w/ Kindle.
October 20, 2009 at 4:06 pm Friends

RIP Vic Mizzy, age 93, the man who gave us the theme songs from Green Acres AND The Addams Family.
October 20, 2009 at 4:10 pm Friends

Uh, why are you on Facebook right now? You should be watching Glee on Fox.
October 21, 2009 at 8:08 pm Friends

If you happen to be in England, lucky you. Not for the commie medicine that weakens your soul ;) but because Sarah Jane Adventures will be on in ~11 minutes on BBC1
October 22, 2009 at 10:20 am Friends

Who wants to buy some girlscout nuts? LuLu’s goal is 45....damn her ambition! LOL....
October 25, 2009 at 12:12 am Friends

Sure it was great watching the Pack win and the Bears collapse (sorry Ken), but best of all, this headline: "Favre fumble, INT help end Vikings' run". Sweeet!
October 25, 2009 at 7:47 pm Friends

Yankees win the pennant! Yankees win the pennant! Best. Anniversary Present. Ever.
October 25, 2009 at 11:08 pm Friends

Anyone who looks at Arod's #'s in this ALCS, and the impact he had, and *doesn't* think the MVP snub was PED based . . . well, share your stash, cuz it must be kind sh*t.
October 26, 2009 at 1:07 am Friends
Had anyone else heard of this? A Columbian soccer team was kidnapped in Venezuela, chained in the sun to trees for weeks, then brutally murdered. A freakin' TEAM.
The Los Maniceros massacre was the kidnapping of twelve members of a Colombian amateur association football team Los Maniceros (Peanut Men), ten of whom were later murdered. The dead were aged between 17 and 38.[1]
October 26, 2009 at 10:44 am Friends

I'm watching Tony LaRussa's press conference as he names Mark McGwire as the Card's new hitting coach. Kudos to Tony for the helping hand to restore Mark's place in baseball.
October 26, 2009 at 11:20 am Friends

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."- Henry Ford. 'Course, Henry never met the Prez.
October 27, 2009 at 9:23 am Friends

{shudder} I just had the misfortune of reading something penned by Joy Behar. Wow.
October 27, 2009 at 10:14 pm Friends

Hot damn, the Escort is fixed and back in my hands! Now the big question - how to cover the check I just wrote to pay for the repair. Eek.
October 30, 2009 at 4:56 pm Friends

Reminder: if you are setting your DVR to record Kate Gosselin's much anticipated interview w/ Natalie Morales, it's on Monday under the title "Kate: Her Story" *not* "Jon and Kate Plus Eight"
October 30, 2009 at 4:06 pm Friends

And don't get me started on the Duggars. I love me some Duggars.
October 30, 2009 at 4:55 pm

The Phils will start Blanton in game four, saying Lee shouldn't pitch on 3 days rest . . but they'd toss Lee back out there for a possible gm 7 on 2 days rest!? Okeedokee
October 30, 2009 at 7:32 pm Friends

"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."- Bertrand Russell
October 30, 2009 at 10:59 pm Friends

Arod homers, Yanks win and take a 2-1 lead in the Series.
10.31.09: Alex Rodriguez is awarded a homer after the umpires use instant replay, the first postseason homer ever awarded in this manner

Never Give In

"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " - Winston Churchill


Shopping for Mom's gift with Dad at the 27th St. Walmart 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Powerful Quote

"Anyone can carry his burden, however hard until nightfall; anyone can do his work however hard for one day." Robert Louis Stevenson. (a quote POW James Kasler held dear during 6 years of torture in Hanoi)

Air War – Vietnam by Frank Harvey

I’ve finished reading my 103rd book of the year: 'Air War – Vietnam' by Frank Harvey, a 1967 expose advertised as the story of “What our Airmen are really doing in Vietnam!” and “The headline making eyewitness story of America’s devastating new brand of warfare!”.  

Harvey spent several weeks embedded with Navy and Air Force pilots in 1966, and what emerged is a frank portrait of the air war at the time.  It is frank, in that it discusses the good and the bad, but it is by no means prescient; while more a dove than a hawk, Harvey is a bit awed by the blunt power of our weaponry and overestimates our success. Not the greatest stylist in the world, Harvey still composed an entertaining account that is filled with details of everyday life that would now otherwise be lost to time. 

Grade: B

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Tragedy at Sandy Hook

For a nation at peace – or at least, at peace on its own soil – the elementary school shooting in Newton,

Connecticut is truly a tragedy beyond our comprehension. 26 victims are dead, twenty of them childrenv of only six and seven years of age.

Tragedy? It’s a nightmare.

Here’s another bit of trivia I noticed as I sat down to write this: there’s been so many of these mass murders that we now unconsciously rank them in order of their misery. How many dead? How many wounded? Were they all adults? Was the shooting at a workplace, or at a place of worship?? Was the shooter unknown to them, or someone they feared?

These mass shootings aren’t an epidemic; they’re a damn competition to see who can ratchet up the most attention from the grave.

I don’t know what motivated the killer. I’ve heard plenty of rumors, but I’m old enough to remember the half-truths that emerged post-Columbine, misconceptions that still skew our attempts to understand the horror. Just a few days ago the media publicly labeled the wrong man the Connecticut shooter, so you’ll have to forgive me if I doubt what they scrounge up now. Whatever the eventual consensus is on his motivation, I call foul.

I was bullied, and I know what it feels like to be an outsider, but I can guarantee you the thought of picking up a gun and killing children never occurred to me, or to the millions who share a similar lief story. I do not believe that video games, TV, or bedwetting inspired his actions. Gun ownership isn’t to blame (though let’s get real: no one could walk into that school with a baseball bat or a knife and kill twenty-six people). Maybe his Mom was great, maybe she was awful; either way, plenty of people deal with the repercussions and live a normal life. If he was truly mentally ill, then yes, he needed help, but blaming his illness would be to wrongfully smear the millions of American with mental illness who aren’t murderers.

Go back for a moment to what I said about this being a competition and look at all the attention paid to these shootings. The victims are the focus at first, but soon enough we hyper-focus t the killer and reduce the victims to historical footnotes. In time what remains? I can’t tell you the name of a single Columbine victim, but I can rattle off the duo of ‘Klebold and Harris’ without pause; show me a picture of a victim of the Colorado theater shooting and I’ll draw a blank, but I can ID the killer from any photo lineup. We do the same with everyone with blood on their hands – in time, they become the focus ofour memories and achieve a dubious, sick immortality.

I don’t blame the media. When dozens of people are murdered it is news, and must be reported. I blame you and me, the people who three weeks after the tragedy eagerly scoop up a magazine about it, or years after the fact plop down hard cash for a true-crime book with a lurid title. If it was up to me,the killers would never get their name in print. “We” don’t need to learn from them to prevent future deaths; that’s a job for psychiatrists and law enforcement, and they are welcome to immerse themselves in their biographies if it will do any good.

Take away that promise of fame, that proof that their otherwise worthless life was worth remembering,and I think some – not all, but some – of these future tragedies will be avoided.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Say What?

Whoa! 3x Olympic runner and 7x national champion Suzy Favor Hamilton, a Madison resident, has admitted leading a double life recently as a prostitute. "[I was]drawn to escorting in large part because it provided many coping mechanisms for me when I was going through a very challenging time with my marriage and my life." Uh, ooookay.

Night by Elie Wiesel

Book #102 of 2012: I have finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel, his account of his time as a teenager in a Nazi death camp.  It is terse, shocking, and rumbles along towards a horrible fate at breakneck speed. The pages that involve his relationship with his father were filled with agony, still felt keenly after many decades.  I began to tear up reading it, and was so moved at his loss that I put down the book and texted “I love you Dad” to my own Father (this, in the middle of the night).  A masterwork. Grade: A+

Infantry in Vietnam: Small Unit Actions in the Early Days , 1965-66 edited by LTC Albert N Garland, USA (Ret)

Book #101 of 2012:  I’ve completed reading Infantry in Vietnam: Small Unit Actions in the Early Days , 1965-66 edited by LTC Albert N Garland, USA (Ret), with a foreword by William Westmoreland. It’s an excellent collection of contemporary accounts of platoon and company sized actions during the early years of the war, complete with wonderfully specific details that are largely lost to time. (50 years on, the emphasis is rightly on the broader handling of the war, not, for instance, the subtle agricultural clues that give away the presence of VC in an area).  

As I read the book I picked up on the fact that action after action, the US was learning. They were adapting tactics, technology, and thinking to the odd new war they had inherited, and it’s a fascinating transition to experience - second-hand.  I’m glad I wasn't there to iron out the kinks myself.

One troubling thing I read was a passage on pg. 110. “ . . . Brigadier General Ellis W. Williamson . . . emphasized whenever he could the deliberate and effective use of firepower.  . . [he] advanced the concept of using this firepower in any and all situations where its use might precluded the unnecessary exposure of personnel to hostile fire. He continually urged his subordinate commanders to use firepower first, and to use as much as necessary in lieu of or to precede the actual advance of the troops.”  [emphasis mine]

Jump ahead twenty years to a documentary about the Gulf War, in which Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf referenced his time during the Invasion of Grenada. He mentioned, with disdain, that infantry movement stalled at the slightest hint of enemy contact, with troops calling in air strikes or artillery to eliminate a single sniper. The aggressive, offensive nature of infantry had been curtailed by this holdover mindset from Vietnam, and he made immediate efforts to change that culture. 

During the rest of the book you see evidence of that defensive idea influencing action on the ground. Oh, there was plenty of fighting, and no one, least of all me, is equating that doctrine with cowardice, but from a distance it’s hard not to scream “What are you doing? You are giving the VC the initiative.” Unit action reports end with American units surrounding VC only to sit and wait for air support or daylight, allowing their escape, and one chapter revolves around a unit that expended  an ungodly amount of air, naval and artillery support, all for a single Viet Cong, without ever once attempting to initiate contact themselves. 

This book was the last of three I bought in an Ebay lot earlier this year, and I’m happy to say that was $1.99 well spent. I hope there are other titles in the series detailing the later years of the war. Grade: A+

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The School Christmas Concert

Today is the annual Christmas concert, and while Lisa is at the show even as I type, I attended the afternoon rehearsal. Being me, I texted my review of the show as it went on!

1:39 PM: YaYa doing well

1:43 PM 3rd grade doing dance #, no vocals  [not one of our classes]

1:49 PM 4th grade (LuLu's) kinda blah so far

1:51 PM 4th grade 2nd song muuuch better. . . Lu doesn't enjoy the stage like the rest of our kids I think ;)

Lisa's response:  She waaaants to, her fear gets in the way of her being a star - but she wants to shine!

Me:  Ok - MOM! LOL 

1:58 PM Smiley singing proud

2:00 Singing at full joyous volume :)

2:07 PM Ginger on stage. Whatta smile!

2:10 PM - Oops! Ginger one beat ahead on her hand motions!

02:11 PM - [the school's traditional, infamous] Russian Dance!!

2:22 PM  YaYa up on stage again

Anyhow, I know the pictures don't sync with the text, but I'm pretty darn exhausted. It was a pleasure to watch and later I posted this on Facebook:

I spent the afternoon at the rehearsal for tonight's school Christmas concert. Yes, these buggers annoy me often, but when I catch myself grinning ear to ear at one of these things, or getting a big hug from all of 'em afterwards, I know the truth: if nothing else, I was born to be a Daddy.

Merry Christmas from the kids of Team Slap!