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Thursday, March 28, 2013

This morning I finished vol 2 of Truman's memoirs, and thank God for small favors. It was much more palatable than vol 1, but I still found myself slamming it down and making retching noises occasionally. Of all the President's I've read, Truman is the one and only that I think would make an awful dinner companion.

Smiley clears the trampoline

By March 4 th our trampoline was weighted down with snow and we were worried about the integrity of the springs. Luckily Smiley volunteered to clear it off, and worked his tail off until it was done.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Misplaced Bunny

 A bunny LK wanted to buy but misplaced in the store. She cried and cried. After we went to the car, I returned and with luck and perseverance, found it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smiley as "Simon"

The review of the Stations of the Cross? Hmm, not good I'm afraid.

Smiley did well, carrying off the pivotal role of Simon with skill and emotional weight, but the rest of the cast was lackluster and divorced from the events they portrayed. Apparently Jesus falls only once, and then merely stumbles from that point on, and Mary didn't seem to care one bit about her son dying in front of her.

The costumes were good, and Smiley's photo is on the cover of the program, but beyond that I'd grade the whole thing a D-.

They ought to be grateful they are only 2nd graders, or it'd be a flat F ;)

Oh my darling boy...the star of the show no not just one star but ***** many stars xxx -Sybil Wilson

The Circle of Life

 On the 19th, my husband's birthday

🙂 Between 2-4am a close friends grandma died, and another couple I know had a beautiful baby boy. Life, death...a big ol mysterious circle - Lisa 🙂 -
Since we missed out on a birthday dinner out last night (no sitters), Lisa and I went out this afternoon. Nothing fancy - just Chinese - but as a treat we both braved the cold and walked to and from the restaurant :)

James Herbert

RIP horror writer James Herbert, age 69

The Awakening

Last night we watched "The Awakening" a moody British ghost story starring Rebecca West that's set in the years after WWI. I enjoyed it very much, and I easily grade it an A.

Monday, March 18, 2013