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Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Egg Dyeing 2013

Today, Good Friday, we continued a tradition that we spawned years before we even had kids: Easter egg dyeing between the hours of 12-3, when we shut down TV/radio/internet to honor the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. 

My four kids were there of course, as were Entourage's three; we were joined for the first time by Syndey, a friend of LuLu's and daughter of Lisa's friend. 

Enjoy the pictures! :)

The St Patrick's Day Parade

On March 9th Lisa bundled up the two little ones ( the other two were at sleepovers) and took them to the annual St Patrick's Day parade downtown. In an unusual move for us she allowed them to purchase souvenirs and whatnots; alas this greatly offended Lulu when she heard about our selective generosity!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I really don't like half days of school.... can't let em sleep in, and you get em back when they are the moodiest....and starving, lol.

The Butler did it! The family sat down together to watch the 100th episode of Psych and our votes yesterday carried the day!

This morning I finished vol 2 of Truman's memoirs, and thank God for small favors. It was much more palatable than vol 1, but I still found myself slamming it down and making retching noises occasionally. Of all the President's I've read, Truman is the one and only that I think would make an awful dinner companion.

Smiley clears the trampoline

By March 4 th our trampoline was weighted down with snow and we were worried about the integrity of the springs. Luckily Smiley volunteered to clear it off, and worked his tail off until it was done.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Misplaced Bunny

 A bunny LK wanted to buy but misplaced in the store. She cried and cried. After we went to the car, I returned and with luck and perseverance, found it.