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Monday, April 22, 2013

Junie breaks the iconic popsicle house

In the week before his death my Grandpa and I began to build a house out of popsicle sticks; I wrote of this in "Little Grandpa". I've had that house for thirty years. Today I found it smashed and half-missing on the floor of Lauren's room. To say I am upset is an understatement, but OTOH, the existence of that book makes the loss less biting, as the physical mementos are less important in its wake. But still . . . . damn it.

Junie isn't a morning person LOL

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Went for a nice walk with Smiley (~2 miles) then settled in at home in my PJ's to enjoy the rest of my Sunday in peace. Naturally, this would be the time YaYa  decides to introduce us to her friend's Mother, who stops by to chat while I look like a freak. Stupid fuzzy footed pajamas %^%$@$. I kid, I kid - they weren't fuzzy.

The Laws of Yahtzee

  1. Full-sheet games are the bomb. Single game hands are for wimps and children.

    They [ones] count
  2. All full houses, accepted or not, must be greeted by calls of "Full Hooowwwwse" by your opponents
  3. Dan ‏@i15h
    They'll kill you in Vegas for that
  4. I'll take that full house - and i won't feel bad about it
  5. that's a lot of pips
  6. Take it [full house] when it's offered

    1. It is permissible, even encouraged, 2 cuss at or berate an opponent's Yahtzee, but it *must* b followed by insincere congrats
    2. Talk to the dice. It helps. They like attention.
    3. Never waste ur 3rd roll trying 2 finish off a lg straight, unless u've got the small on the table & r content 2 settle for it.

      An open ended [ 2-5] attempt at a large straight is a beautiful thing to see on a first roll.

Fantasy Baseball

 You want bad luck? Drafted Chad Billingsley, set to start today, just to make the arbitrary and fascist innings pitched minimum in my fantasy league: he promptly went on the DL.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Rupert from Survivor fame is now following my Twitter feed. I'm honored - and nervous.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some Houses in the Neighborhood

On our walks home from school - which are more and more frequent - we pass many beautiful houses. Here's a few of our favorites. 

The first one here is the one Lisa wants me to buy her if I ever win the lottery. 

This next one is off the beaten track (for our walk) but it is GORGEOUS

Finally, my favorite. It has no backyard to speak of and I would miss a porch to read on, but my word is it exquisite. I love this house.