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Friday, July 5, 2013


No human being is free to decide whether he will go through life without suffering and trial. These constitute as much the essence of life as shadows resulting from sunlight. Our choice is only to decide how we will react to them. - Archbishop Fulton Sheen

World War Z

Watched "World War Z" yesterday. It adds nothing to the genre and ignores the book it was based on but you know what? It was loads of fun. Brad Pitt is great at playing a concerned, involved father - art imitating life? - and the action was plentiful. I dug it. Grade: B+

Chill on the Hill

A few weeks ago we attended Chill on the Hill, a weekly free music concert at a local park. Team Slap went with our friend JJ and her daughter, but soon ran into some of YaYa's friends too. We had a blast, and without further adieu, here's some pics from that evening. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Watched a great fireworks display from the comfort of my own porch. Yes, yes, people can have different opinions on such things, but in my mind if one day a year you can't get revved up for a parade, bbq, John Phillip Sousa, and fireworks, welllllll . . . I suppose even then there's room on this globe even for people like you ;)

Congrats CC Sabathia!

Congrats to CC Sabathia on his 200th career win!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gettysburg 150 years on

Today marks a century and a half since Union forces triumphed at Gettysburg. That battle, 150 years ago, staved off the defeat and dissolution of our nation; tomorrow is the 150th anniversary of Grant's victory at Vicksburg, which ensured that the victory of that same nation was all but inevitable. To the men who fought in both battles - especially those who fought and died in blue, in the name of freedom and country - I salute you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Smiley is going to see NKOTB tonight!

Just got up from a nap with Smiley, in preparation for his first ever concert - NKOTB at Summerfest tonight!

update: According to a text from Lisa, 98 degrees just took their bow and the crowd is waiting for New Kids to take the stage . . . .

The Purge

YaYa and I just finished "The Purge", and while it clearly has an underlying agenda the story stands up just fine on its own. There are some annoying moments - kids running off for no reason but to advance the plot, for instance - but some surprises too. Grace rates it a B+, I'd nudge it up to an A-

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Warm Bodies

I just finished watching "Warm Bodies"  and I loved it. A zombie/human romance told from the zombie's POV? Hells yeah. Cute, funny, and endearing, plus the female lead was yum. I probably shouldn't have let the kids watch it, what with the moderate amounts of brain eating, but wth - they all loved it too! Grade: A