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Sunday, July 14, 2013

On the possibility of a civil trial in the Zimmerman case

Regarding the possibility of Zimmerman facing a civil suit from the Martin family, which (like the OJ trial) I view as a form of double jeopardy, "If Trayvon’s parents pursue civil action against Zimmerman in state court, they will likely encounter a major obstacle, the “immunity” provision of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law that became part of Zimmerman’s self-defense strategy at his criminal trial. The 2005 law, which allows a person to use force to prevent imminent death or harm to himself, can also shield a defendant from liability in a civil wrongful-death case."

Cory Monteith

Cory Monteith, aka "Finn" of Glee, age 31, has died of a drug overdose. I'm in shock. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Two Quotes from Junie

Junie was goofing around on our office chair when she tripped and 

fell off, landing on her face. Lisa and I both checked for injuries (to 

date, Junie is the only kid who has yet to have stitches). Thankfully

the damage was minor. “You’re ok, but you’ll have a fat lip,” Lisa 

told her.

Immediately Junie, who had faced down numerous injuries without 

blinking,  was aghast.

“FAT??!!!,” she said. “I gonna have a fat lip!”

Junie, you see, has a wee bit of a distaste for the 

weight-challenged, despite having yours truly as a father.


Junie came home from a weekend with Lisa’s mother singing a song

 that went like this “Chock-o-lat, you drivin’ me crazy” and she 

sang it over and over. Apparently this tune was belted out by a 

mechanical monkey she saw at Grandma’s, and as far as I was 

concerned it was singing about the wonders of chocolate. Lisa 

wasn’t so sure, and translated that first line – goodness knows how – as “Jungle Love”

Sure as day, it WAS “Jungle Love” by Milwaukee’s own Steve Miller.

Another favorite of hers, this one from the cartoon “Phineas and 

Ferb”:  “My name is Doof and you do what I say, my name is doof 

and you do what I say.”

George Zimmerman

BREAKING NEWS: Jurors have found George Zimmerman NOT GUILTY in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Not Ideal

Overheard at the optometrist: a vastly overweight woman loudly telling the clerk how her doctor has cut off her supply of pain pills, then asking if Obamacare will pay for the designer glasses she wanted.  Hells bells, even if you support that awful overstepping of government power,  you should do your best to keep people like that hidden from view. She ain't helping your case.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Dad many moons ago

My Little Pony

I'm not sure why or how it happened, but all four kids are now obsessed with My Little Pony. I didn't even know the show was still being produced/rebooted.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Boo

Hangover 3

I watched Hangover 3 yesterday. It was funnier than the second movie, but like that instalment I'd classify it as a buddy/action movie with occasional laughs, whereas the original was ROTFLMAO funny with a dash of action. For what it is, it works.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Domes

I've posted about the Milwaukee Domes before, so I'll spare you much of the standard preamble. This past Monday we took advantage of free admission (and having only our two youngest in house) and visited the Milwaukee icon. 

It was a trip probably (and sadly) most memorable for the fact that I was nursing a bad knee injury that left me sidelined by the second dome, and by the third Lisa was forced to get a wheelchair for me to finish the circuit. :( 

Here's Smiley posing by a Sausage Fruit tree. 

On the way back, because the Domes are in our old stomping ground, we showed the kids three of the flats we once rented. This one, on Orchard, did not at all impress the kids. We rented the upper back in '97. Our last flat is still well maintained and pretty, but Smiley no longer has any recollection of it, and Junie never set foot in it - some small proof that we have moved up in the world in the last decade.