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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


It's official, the Sad Sack Slapjacks are now 3-1 in my fantasy league after knocking off the league leader, and by morning I'll know if I share the top of the board.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Steak 'n Shake

Steak 'nShake, the weekend before school 

LuLu's New Coat

LuLu's new hair and coat

Pics from Bay View Bash

Our Fishtank!

Our new aquarium (before we added 3 Danio's, a white Molly, a catfish, and a red Beta). Note the nifty skull AND the Gary the Snail (from Spongebob) subtly placed in the left forefront. Thanks Dale!

NY Times Magazine

While I'm thinking of it the best magazine in America is the NY Times Magazine (their Sunday supplement). It features intriguing and well written features, quick but insightful interviews, the "Ethicist" column by Chuck Klosterman, style and food coverage, and more. It also comes with a ~$20/month price tag, since you have to buy a Sunday Times to get it. I get my copies from my father, since I'm too cheap to buy a subscription, but it's well worth waiting a week or two to get my hands on an issue. If you've got the moolah, subscribe.

This product WORKS

For the record: Side Socket - the 'as seen on TV' compact power strip that swivels the cords to the side - works as advertised. VERY satisfied with the product.

Some history on TV

Studying while the Military Channel plays in the background . . . just watched a documentary on the great battle of Cowpens and Tadeusz Kościuszko's role in getting the American army out of harm's way in the aftermath of the victory . . .

My Thoughts - Spoilers

If a TV show has already aired, a sports event has ended, or a movie is more than a year old, then it's not a "SPOILER", it's common knowledge.

Your failure to pay for cable, check your DVR, rent a film, or just get home in time to watch something does not force upon me the necessity to edit the common water cooler conversations of our time.

180 Minutes at the Dentist

Lisa and I spent three hours of our day at the Marquette Dental Emergency Clinic while Lu had two teeth removed, the result of an infection that had spread to her jaw. Olivia's fine and literally dancing around, so please don't mollycoddle her by saying how awful it must have been. You know what was awful? Spending 3 hours of your day off reading six month old issue of Time and then paying for the whole shebang out of pocket. Cry for *me* Argentina, cry for *me*!


MLP, bringing sisters together since 1983 :)

Baseball Trivia

A bit of baseball trivia: with the retirement of Darren Oliver today, there is only one player left in MLB whose career started prior to the strike of '94. That player? A-Rod.

Junie Lost a Tooth

Last night Laurenzerz lost her first ever tooth, an event somewhat diminished both by her knowledge that we're the Tooth Fairy and the fact I didn't realize it was her first and so gave it only a brief to-do. We'll make up for that tonight :)

The Bling Ring

Watching "The Bling Ring", a gawd awful slow movie if there ever was one.

Oh Heavens!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Compare and Contrast

2013: A-Rod: 44 games, .771 OPS
         Jeter: 17 games, .542 OPS

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Dinner with a Friend

Team Slap enjoyed a nice evening with Dale C who originally came over to set up our aquarium but stayed for dinner and took not one but two trips to the pet store with the crew. Thanks Dale!


Whew. Won my week 3 fantasy matchup by only 0.92 points. Now 2 -1 on the year

Monday, September 23, 2013


A Day of TV

Watching "Dogfights" on  the DVR, this time "The Last Gunfighter", an episode about Crusader dogfights over North Vietnam. Great show, superb graphics!

UPDATE: I'm now typing up class notes and watching Ali-Frazier ("The Thrilla in Manilla") on U-Verse on Demand

Done with classwork, and the Ali-Frazier fight. Great bout, shame about the TKO; I kept hoping the ending would be different LOL

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Emmy Ire

It *IS* a crying shame that the late Cory Monteith. a drug addict known only for his part on an ensemble show, gets a special in memoriam honor at the Emmy's while Jack Klugman and Larry Hagman - REAL STARS who passed away recently - don't get the same treatment. What crap. Absolute-utterly fantastic CRAP. Here's hoping that the Emmy's scrambled to change their program once word of this hit the wire.

My Thoughts

Some people are only happy if they can complain about something that doesn't affect them.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

24 Grand Slams!

It took me a full day to wipe the tears of joy from my eyes: Alex Rodriguez ripped a 92 mph fastball into the seats yesterday for a Grand Slam against the Giants. That's his *24TH* Grand Slam, passing Lou Gehrig for sole possession of the all-time record. Twenty four career grand slams. Wow. I hope you enjoyed watching such a cherished record fall Mr. Selig - I hope you see it over and over again in your  dreams. Say it with me folks - A-Rod, I bow to thee!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Law

Back from class. In a belated answer to a ? about it, I like it a lot. It's a ton of work, with the reading alone almost overwhelming me (which is saying something) but I'm getting the hang of managing the homework around the obligations of work and family.  

While I thought I would like criminal law best, so far I find it very boring. The professor is great, the subject just doesn't seem to inspire me. Moreover, it's the one room in the world where I appear as a bleeding heart liberal, and that takes some doing. It's typically me and two other students vs the other 15, with the 15 taking the stand that any action by the police is kosher, any charge correct (no matter if it truly fits the crime) and all crimes worthy of time behind bars. Hopefully a few years of law school knocks some of the fervor out of their system. 

Contract law, which I thought would be a horrific bore, is for the moment hitting all the right buttons. There's a lot of thinking, a lot of hands on work, and it's suddenly dawned on me that it's an area of law that affects everyone, no matter their age or income. I like it. I may not like it a few semesters down the road, but I do now. 

What do I like best about law school? The private parking in an underground garage, and all the classes confined to one gorgeous building. If only I'd had that at UWM! LOL


Lisa's FB post in response to a Mom who publicly 'shamed' her daughter for twerking: "I'm going to publicly shame my kids if they waltz. The sign is gonna say, I humiliated my Mom by not shaking what she gave me and being a big dork!