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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


A list of my errands to accomplish this morning before going to bed

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Someone stole my Groceries

Left a bag of groceries behind at the register at Pick N' Save, and of course someone stole it. The store employees were rude as hell about it, who knows why - it's not like I expected them to replace them. Ugh. That's why I get for not shopping at Aldi or Piggly Wiggly this morning.  F- Roundy's.

Just FYI

Available at Value Village on 27th and National

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Junie and The Sound of Music

Junie came home from school singing songs from "The Sound of Music", which they'd watched in class today. I'm super happy; I'd been trying to get them to fall in love with it, but good luck getting the kids to watch anything more than 10 years old at home. Now it's all she can talk about :)