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Monday, October 28, 2013

Fish Armageddon!

A tragedy here today: one of the two feeder goldfish that have survived year after year was violently attacked by a rogue Molly overnight. A side fin was ripped clean off and there's a gash along its side. I removed the Molly, and tempering my anger, gave him to Smiley in a bowl of his own. 

Meanwhile the goldfish survives, obviously in pain, and much weakened. *fingers crossed* In addition, for three days in a row we've lost fish. A Black Moor died overnight on day 1 (but I had seen the ba*tard Molly attacking it the previous evening). A Beta followed on Day 2, and on Day 3 a red tigershark and a small feeder fish died. Grace is begging me to call Dale Czech for help, but I think that's just because she thinks he's cute. It's fish Armageddon around here!

The Christmas Wish List

Two gifts for my Xmas wish list

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thanks Crystal!

Thanks to the Facebook status of Crystal G, WE Energies is sending me 5 free window insulation kits, outlet gaskets, and a nightlight. Thanks Crystal! 

"FYI- WE Energies offers FREE weatherization kits to all of it's customers. You get window film and outlet insulators. Call them at 1-(800) 242-9137 to request your kit AND your free cookie book! I just did it We can all afford to save a few bucks."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

An Illogical Rant

I am not exaggerating when I say I am sickened by the current St. Louis/Boston World Series matchup. The only scenario more disgusting would be a Boston-Cubs series. I will not watch so much as an at-bat of this Series, and I maintain some faint hope that a work stoppage will somehow pop up and eliminate this monstrosity from happening at all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


A list of my errands to accomplish this morning before going to bed

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Someone stole my Groceries

Left a bag of groceries behind at the register at Pick N' Save, and of course someone stole it. The store employees were rude as hell about it, who knows why - it's not like I expected them to replace them. Ugh. That's why I get for not shopping at Aldi or Piggly Wiggly this morning.  F- Roundy's.

Just FYI

Available at Value Village on 27th and National