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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Smiley may never box, and God willing he avoids street fights, but let me tell you *that boy can PUNCH!* I was working on the bag when he put on his gloves. He stepped in and barraged it with some combinations, then ripped into it with hooks that would rattle any ribcage. Mein Gott, he's got some power for his age.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

RIP Nelson Mandela, a giant of our time :(

BREAKING NEWS: The Brewers have traded Nori Aoki to the Royals for 24 year old lefty Will Smith. Aoki was the lone Brewer on my fantasy team, and a good one at that. I'll miss ya!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Card Time!

Addresses, addresses, I need your addresses! new phone has no addresses saved from the old one. If you normally get a team slap xmas card, then please private message me your address. If you don't normally, and would like to start receiving the coveted "most awesome family ever" xmas card, then PM your address as well!!! Basically, you don't send your address, you could be crying over the loss later :) Lisa 

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Night of Boxing

Just watched Sergey Kovalev KO Ishmayal Sillakh 52 seconds into the second round . . . wow, that was impressive. Kovalev packs a thunderous punch for a light heavyweight.

update: I just finished watching the main event, the Adonis Stevenson/Tony Bellew fight. Stevenson has freaky power, it's true; but to my eyes (and I'm just a fan, not an expert) he seems very one dimensional in the ring. If he matches up against Kovalev - and from Stevenson's comments, Adonis is ducking that fight - I'd bet on Kovalev.

My Thoughts

RE: the (mild) hue and cry that we should remember the driver of the car too, not just Paul Walker, when talking about the fatal crash:  if you want to be remembered when you die, *DO SOMETHING WORTH REMEMBERING*. If I die the same day a pop star dies, good luck finding my obit. I'm cool with that, in large part because I hope to one day be the somebody that overshadows Joe Blow's passing.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pitch Perfect

Watching Pitch Perfect with the family and some company. Anna Kendrick is simply LuLu transported to the future and assigned a different name. They look like clones for Pete's sake.

Paul Walker

I didn't know Paul Walker as an actor, haven't seen any Fast & the Furious movies, and don't remember him in Pleasantville. Still, a human is a human, so RIP.

We Blew It (but innocently)

YaYa is upset we put up the tree in her absence. She was there when we bought it but headed out to Grandma's before the decorating. But as I told her, Mom did 96% of it, as she always does, because she likes her tree just so; all the rugrats did was hand her some ornaments and hang a couple at the end. They were also stuck going to Mass, cleaning the yard, and putting away laundry; think she'd still want to trade places with them? :)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday 2013

Longest line of the day? Joann Fabrics, of all places, where the line not only snaked around a roped off queue but continued down about 40% of the store's considerable length. Second place? Easily Kmart, where the line was awe-inspiring but rather quick. No line of note at Dollar Tree.

Alas, the one item I needed to buy on Black Friday I failed to procure, and off-sale I may not be able to pull it off this Christmas. Won't be the first time I've had to improvise, but . . . sigh. I did get a few deals on smaller items last night, and *fingers crossed* my co-workers hopefully scored on two items for me earlier this morning. So far today we've cleaned and rearranged the living room and we're gearing up to go buy a Christmas tree, with some talk we may cut one down ourselves. 

Happy Black Friday everyone.