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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 3

On Easter morning we gave the kids their baskets - and it was quite the feat to keep their contents hidden until that moment. 

Afterwards, a lovely Easter brunch at the Fireside, spoiled only by an ignorant waitress that I overhead criticizing our kids to her co-worker. Then a grand performance of Mary Poppins and a contented ride home.

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 2

We of course attended Easter Mass over the weekend, choosing to attend the iconic Vigil service of Easter Saturday. This gorgeous and moving statue graced the Church vestibule.

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson

Team Slap decided to spend Easter weekend with our friend JJ and her daughter in Fort Atkinson, with a lovely Easter brunch and performance of Mary Poppins at the Fireside Theatre. Here are some pictures taken at the hotel on Saturday night. 

Later that night we all went out to a casual dinner at a local Subway.

 Just back from a lovely weekend trip to the the Fireside Theater. Details and pictures to follow later

Junie and YaYa

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Bunny Cake

The handiwork of LuLu and Lisa :)

In case anyone missed the cover story on USA Today, Jews in the Ukraine have been told to register with the local government by pro-Russian forces. History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme . . .

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


 Here's a quote I read today and agree with: "People who haven’t got a damn thing to complain about are still dissatisfied"

Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg are engaged! Congrats!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


 My girls en route to see Frozen with Grandma (Smiley went too)

Insidious 2 and Haunter

We watched "Insidious: Chapter 2" and "Haunter" on Netflix in the past few days, the latter being a Canadian supernatural horror film starring Abigail Breslin. Both movies were well done and provided some scares, and y'all need to add them to your queue.

 Success! I hauled #TeamSlap to The Basilica of St. Josaphat at 7:30 this morning and, after a half hour wait in line, we made it through confession. Scratch one item from the Easter-prep list.

A lunar eclipse and a slumber party in the basement

Last night the #Centerpieces (Lu and Smiley) chose to sleep in our largely unfinished basement, camping out in a 'clubhouse' they made of sheets and an air mattress. The #Bookends spent the night in their own rooms, but YaYa wanted me to wake her up for the lunar eclipse last night. I did so, but she wouldn't get out of bed and ordered me to shut her door. So I watched a bit of the blood moon/eclipse on my own from the porch and then hit the hay - and no, it wasn't cloudy at all at 2am, not near my house.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014



LuLu's Handiwork


Pacquiao v Bradley

I'm disgusted that Manny Pacquiao got a UD versus Tim Bradley. Yeah, I watched the fight,and I agree Pacquiao deserved the win on points, but he was throwing powderpuff shots and missing a ton. Bradley lost mainly because he let Manny win rounds on the benefit of the doubt. Let's not confuse this with a great performance, and the lopsided scorecards are, IMO, a joke. Plus Larry Merchant did the commentary, he of the ever present depressing cynicism, and that nearly ruined it from the start. Blech.

Why is it so hard to find a Confessional? LOL

Make it five churches. #TeamSlap went to St. Anthony's this morning for confession and waited in line for 30 minutes before the priest called an end to it and went to start Mass, leaving us high and dry. The main culprit was a pretty, very demure 14 or 15 year old girl who went into the booth with a notebook(!) and took fifteen minutes to confess. WTH - I wish I'd hung out with her in high school. Why is it so hard to find somewhere to confess?? Next up, the Basillica at 7:30AM tomorrow. is reporting that the U.N. Security Council will hold an emergency meeting tonight about the situation in the Ukraine

Saturday, April 12, 2014

I Remember - WCW Wrestling and the Von Erich's

I haven't watched pro wrestling since the late '80's, but the death of the Ultimate Warrior brought back memories of WCCW, the short lived Texas based wrestling organization I followed religiously. The Warrior was one of their wrestlers, as were the Von Erich's. Great memories
I tried taking #TeamSlap to confession today, hoping to go into Easter with a clean conscience. But not one, not two, but FOUR different churches had priests that failed to be there for the scheduled times. Now in fairness I was ten minutes late to one, and the last seems to have changed their reconciliation schedule and not updated their website, but geesh. Does anyone know of a south side weekday confession site?

Kurt Cobain - Gone 20 Years

 Ack, while I'm busy spewing out ten updates in a row . . . my apologies (no pun intended) to the late great Kurt Cobain. The 20th (!) anniversary of his death passed this week without my commenting. RIP sir, RIP.

Carl Zimmerman

RIP Carl Zimmermann, the iconic Milwaukee broadcaster, age 96.