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Saturday, June 7, 2014


Guitar Lessons

@Beaulah Brinton Community Center with YaYa for her guitar lessons

30 Rock News

BREAKING NEWS: 30 Rock actor Tracy Morgan is in critical condition after being injured in a car accident this morning . . .

Friday, June 6, 2014

My Thoughts on the Slenderman Case

Controversial opinion of the day: As horrific as their actions were, I don't think the two 12 year old's who stabbed their friend should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. 

 A - they are twelve. Not 30, not 20, not 17 - TWELVE. At 65 should they be still be paying for what they did at the onset of puberty? No.

 B - the victim did not die (thank God). She's already been released from the hospital. 

 C - if you seriously, honestly, are so young and naïve that you can't tell the difference between make believe and reality, then you don't have the mental capacity to warrant being charged as an adult. Plain and simple.

 Fire away folks. The most valuable diversity is that of thought, so feel free to speak your mind. That said, I'm right and you're wrong 😉

It's True

I spend half the summer fixing our bikes, and the other half listening to Lisa and the kids demanding new ones and complaining about how often I have to fix them . . .Pfui to it all.

Hollywood News

Per the magnificient reporting that is Facebook, Antonio Banderas & Melanie Griffith are going to divorce after 18 Years of marriage


A big thank you to all the veterans of the Normandy invasion on this, the 70th anniversary of D-Day 🙂

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

LuLu's Birthday Cupcakes!

We're here at Incrediroll celebrating LuLu's 11th Birthday! And it features yet another baking marvel by Lisa!

Don Zimmer

RIP Yankees coaching great, and former Boston manager, Don Zimmer

TV News is a Joke

From JSOnline's Duane Dudek, commenting on the Slenderman story:

"The crime was "graphic, disturbing and hard to believe," said Meekins, as a WTMJ onscreen headline screamed "Slumber Party Stabbing" and later "Plot to Kill." Reporter Jermont Terry practically leaped off the screen describing the crime and sat on a bicycle while reporting that the victim was discovered by a bicyclist. WISN reporter Christina Palladino prefaced her report by noting "the people I talked to literally have no words" and then interviewed people who used words to speak on camera."