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Monday, August 11, 2014

RIP Robin Williams

About an hour ago I posted the following on Facebook:

OMG - RIP Robin Williams, age 63. Early reports indicate it was suicide. 

I have to admit, the news of his death has really knocked me into a funk. Maybe the initial reports are wrong, but with so many sources citing suicide and talking about the depression he was fighting in recent weeks, I have to imagine he surrendered to his demons.

I have personal experience with depression, and have been affected by others attempting suicide. A few generations back suicide claimed the life of a direct ancestor. And so on, and so on.

As far as I'm concerned, depression is damn near as viscous as the worst of physical ailments.

If you are battling depression and contemplating suicide, there are places and people that can help.

Rest in Peace Robin Williams. You made this world a happier place while you were here. 

Btw, the generation gap is a real thing: the kids didn't care about Robin Williams' death until they realized he played Peter Pan in Hook, Then, they were upset.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Vote on August 12th!

The race for the local state assembly seat has been fiercely contested, and the candidates have visited my neighborhood incessantly . How often do we see a candidate? Last week one of them, Jonathan Brostoff, was taking to a neighbor of mine when he stopped to wave hello and call out "Hi Dan".

Now, I've been told I'm hard to forget, but either he's got the memory of a born politician, or he and I have conversed far more than the norm for a primary election. As annoyed as I am by the constant swarm of candidates, I'm happy so many people care about our area and its future.

For the record, my vote is going to Brostoff. This being a progressive enclave of Milwaukee, all the candidates are left of center. That goes for Brostoff too, which isn't where you'd normally find me. But he seems to have a solid head on his shoulders, and a coherent grasp on the issues facing this community,even if we disagree on a few of his solutions, I admire his work with the homeless in our city, and from what I can tell from our conversations, I like him personally.

 So, there ya go. My votes for Jonathan. 

No matter who you choose, get out there on Tuesday and vote. If you don't make your voice heard, you can't t complain when the politicians don't listen. :)


ABC News is reporting of vandalism and looting in "protest" against a police shooting in Ferguson, MO. I fail to see how looting a liquor store or stealing a TV raises awareness for civil rights and police restraint, but #whatdaIknow

Lu at the Driving Range

I took LuLu to the driving range tonight, her first time ever holding a club. She was persistent, and by the end of the bucket had gone from "swing and miss" to socking some a few dozen yards down the range. On the way out we stopped at the putting green, where I somehow sank two long back to back putts, earning me some respect in her eyes. Great fun - and thanks to their reward program, only $1 too!

Ambassador Kennedy

Er, did you know the current US Ambassador to Japan is Caroline Kennedy (the daughter of JFK)? I sure didn't. Good for her.

Say What?

Some young black girl is lighting up my phone, begging me to answer her texts and calls. "Me" being "Dyshun", a [presumably] black kid who apparently sounds a helluva lot like a 40 year old white guy on the phone, because she won't take my word that I'm not her estranged soulmate.

Dropping Junie off at Camp

Opinions Needed

Need an opinion here; the second team in the draft is locked into a trade that forces him to lose his first round pick. I now have a shot at Megatron or Peterson. I also have Phillip Rivers on my bench as a 10th round keeper. I was just offered the following: 

Largest trade offer in league history!!!

Slapjacks get:

7th round (4th pick)
7th round (12th pick)
9th round (11th pick)
10th round (14th pick)
11th round (14th pick)

Taco Supreme gets:

P.Manning (slotted in the 1st)
10th round (3rd pick)
11th round (3rd pick)
12th round (3rd pick)
13th round (3rd pick)
14th round (3rd pick)

The NASCAR death of Kevin Ward

Not a fan or huge expert on auto racing . . but I've seen the video of Kevin Ward's death and there's no way you can blame Tony Stewart. Ward exited his car, stomped down the middle of a live race track and appeared to have gone so far as to swerve *into* Stewart's car as it tried to avoid him. That's nuts. My thoughts are with Stewart as he deals with being sucked into such a tragedy.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Still Miffed

Me? I'm the guy who just drove by the parking lot at Miller Park and screamed out the window "Bring back A-Rod! Boycott Selig!" while the union-busting, unconscionable masses trotted out to reward their billionaire puppetmasters.