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Monday, August 3, 2015

Ray Tann Tires

- Here for a punctured tire. As always, grateful they're in business.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Junie's Birthday Pinata

The pinata concluded the party. luLu's swing shattered the broomstick. I eventually polished off the stubborn pinata with a MLB worthy swing of a kid's bat.

Junie's Birthday Party Breakfast

This is what greeted the girls when they came downstairs in the morning.

Junie's Birthday Craft

The craft protect Lisa did with them at the party (fabric paint on canvas totes)

Aloof - pics of Junie's Birthday Party

YaYa pretending to be aloof - off camera she was smiling, and surprisingly firm and effective keeping the girls in line.

Junie's 8th Birthday - her gifts

Opening the presents from her friends. "It's NOT cookie time Haley, it's not cookie time!"

Our Gifts for Junie

Our gifts for  Junie