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Monday, September 7, 2015

Area 51

Movie night with YaYa  - Back to the Future 3,  Mr. Jones, and now this :)

Henry Ford

And of course, most of those things, and more, are now guaranteed by law

Ford did do all the above. Did unions need to fight for the same guarantees elsewhere? Sure. But the first place to get 'er done got it done through good ol' capitalism. And again, laws guarantee most of the above now, which is why unions are seen as redundant by many.

 $5 an hour was such a huge wage that people flocked to Detroit like a 20th century gold rush. The equivalent today is *$66.51* an hour.

update  I'm sorry, the meme IS wrong. He raised the wage to $5 in *1914*, not 1926 as on the picture. The equivalent, with inflation, was $117.40 an hour.

Happy Birthday Buddy

Buddy Holly would have been 79 years old today. That's what makes Feb 3rd a true tragedy - that all this time later, he could have still been alive and making music. I have no hate for that pilot, but he robbed us all.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


If you dismiss my last post as folly, consider recent history in the Mideast: once upon a time, after WWII, Lebanon, a peaceful nation with a significant Christian population and culture, opened its gates to refugees from Palestine. Within a decade Eisenhower, in his only foreign military action, had to send in US Marines to evacuate civilians. Within three decades the country was embroiled in the bloody civil war that dominated the news of my youth. The Lebanon of 1950 no longer exists.


This is not a good Daddy day. I'm trying but . .  . emphasis on "but."


100 years ago today, a year into WWI, the first tank rolled off the assembly line.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Some Home Upgrades

Lisa and Smiley are busy repainting his bedroom, and I just put up new blinds in the dining room.



This guy on #Cops was stopped for an iffy traffic violation, called Hispanic when he is not, handcuffed abruptly, and shoved in a squad by a young, arrogant deputy. All he did to bring this on was calmly say "I'm not Hispanic," which set the deputy off. He then got angry and loud, right after he was cuffed for speaking. The Sgt then pulled the deputy aside, and (presumably) ripped the deputy a new a$$hole. saying you're on national TV, and they let him go. I'm a fan of the police, but this deputy is a tool. It was outrageous.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Blue earned her wings!

In My Opinion . . .

Every American should take a Constitutional Law class, be it in college or high school. The depth of the ignorance (dictionary meaning) in FB comments both for and against various issues is downright embarrassing.

Proud Dad

I have failed to mention my pride and satisfaction that YaYa is part of the MHSA swim team, and has devoted two hours after each school day to making herself into the best athlete possible. I love her very much, and I am confident she's on the right path to being a great woman. #ProudPapa

Gawd, this is embarrassing to write

Law school is sinking into daily life: On the phone today I asked someone for a clear yes/no answer, and got a rambling statement in its place. "I would move to strike that as unresponsive," I told him. "Let me ask again. . ."

The Kids Get Physicals

I took the two youngest to their annual physical this morning. Smiley is half an inch shy of 5 feet now and taller than my late Grandma. Junie is 4' 5.5". Both are in the 90th percentile in height and weight (LK actually 95th in height). The doctor called them "on the slender side" and acted surprised. Why? Because I'm fat, they automatically have to be? #ProudTheyAreFit


Sigh. Adult life is all about dealing with the ugly. Every. Single. Day.

- @ 6th District Police Station, reporting a creepy letter to YaYa that arrived, unsolicited,  from a prisoner in the House of Corrections

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Bickersons

A great LOL radio sitcom from 4/23/1948. (the couple takes a trip to Yellowstone).I used to love a cassette tape I had of the show as a kid - John's Snoring Dilemma was the name of the episode, if I remember right. 

The humor still holds up, 67 years later!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Full House

Gotta admit, John Stamos was a nice looking young man. Episode: "The IQ Man" of Full House

Rebecca Kleefisch

Whatever you think of her politics, Rebecca Kleefisch is by far the hottest Lt. Governor in our history. #ARespectfulYum


Still absent a car, Junie and I biked on some errands, hip notwithstanding.

This is ridiculous. Friday morning (tomorrow is too busy) I need to beg a loan off the credit union. We can't make do with one car when putting it in for repairs makes us either grovel for rides or abandon our plans. We're too busy a family.

Dean Jones

RIP '60's Disney movie star Dean Jones

I think this is neat

70 years ago today the Empire of Japan signed the documents of surrender aboard the USS Missouri, officially ending a world war they began in 1937 with the invasion of China (we did not join the war, of course, until after Pearl Harbor, and the European theater erupted in 1939) A sailor aboard made these cards and gave one to each of the men present; when Admiral Nimitz asked for extras to pass out at HQ, the sailor politely declined the request.

Today I walked the kids to school for the first time this school year.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Good Samaritan

YaYa found a woman's purse, keys, and wallet that had been left on the bus stop. Lisa and I just dropped it off at the police station.

Yes. Yes it Does.

This goes for people who buy a house across from a school and then complain about the traffic before/after school. F@#$ you.

My Lu

3rd Grade ALREADY???

LK's first day of 3rd grade!