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Monday, July 4, 2016

Before the Fireworks

Before the fireworks


Most of these were taken by Smiley

A Proper 4th

It is not a proper July 4th until the boom of a firework sets off a car alarm, and you hear the rum-tum-tumbly of a distant finale as you sit with your little one on your lap, oohing and ahhing as fireworks light the sky and the smoke cloud wanders over you like a morning fog. #America

Noel Neill

Rest in peace, Noel Neill,  Superman's Lois Lane.

A Sidewalk Patriot!

Glad someone in this house knows how many stripes are on the flag. :)


*the first kid to comment loses phone and iPod use for 24 hours* The two oldest just argued, in front of company, for half an hour over one stealing eyeshadow from the other nearly a month ago. The soul scraping sound of the bickering . . . truly, one never recovers fully. You can't unhear it. #parenthood

10 Years Gone

Ten years ago today my maternal Grandma passed away. I loved her a lot. It's hard to believe it's been a decade, and even harder to believe Lauren never had the chance to meet her.

Mind Your Business

Just got scolded by a child for smoking at the parade, outside....10 feet from him, and this was OK with his mom. Wow..... Just make it illegal already, since its so damn evil. But the alcoholics, please continue to make asses of yourself at every public event imaginable, and that will be acceptable. Sigh. My children were taught to mind their own damn business!! - Lisa

The kid that scolded Lisa for smoking - an ugly little androgynous brat - later dropped his/her flag on the ground and got barked at by me. Unacceptable. #UglyPeopleApparentlyDontLoveAmerica

The 4th of July Parade

Ready for the 4th of July parade. Smiley and GC chose to stay home, earning many negative brownie points. Lauren is walking in the parade with the Girl Scouts

My LK. Good job in the parade Junie!

10 Cloverfield Lane

Wow. It's not an Oscar candidate, but the suspense and the character arc were superb. Nicely done.

Vintage Baseball in the Park

Watching two teams play 1860's era baseball to celebrate Independence Day. Happy to have Lauren along to keep me company.

Junie got to run the bases!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Kneel Then Meal

Lighting candles for my stepfather-in-law after Mass

Then post-Mass breakfast with #TeamSlap. Kneel then meal baby, kneel then meal.

Yanks - Padres

Texeria just hit his 400th career home run, but of course I missed it because Lisa asked me to bring in groceries  #$@%

Art by YaYa

Big Bang 2016

I dropped the family off at the lake for the Big Bang fireworks but was excused and came home to prep the house for the 4th. Shady of me, true, but last year I took the two younger kids by *myself* so karma calls it fair. Of course, that was also the night a big fight broke out by where we were seated and the cops came roaring in, soooo. . . Ah. They'll be fine.

My Birthday Missal

I wanted to post pics of this birthday gift back in March, but Lisa said it would make look like a religious nut. Maybe it does, but OFW. This rocks, and is easily one of the best birthday gifts of recent years

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Stop Complaining about Fireworks

Too many people complaining about private fireworks tonight on FB. Cripes, it's 4th of July weekend. Don't be a buzzkill. And FYI, I don't care that they scare your dog; they evolved from freaking wolves. They should have some g'damn pride in their species and buck up.

Wonder Woman Art

A clay Wonder Woman symbol LuLu  made at College for Kids.

Elie Wiesel

RIP Elie Wiesel, age 87


Man, I wish you could just send the kids to the store with a note for booze and cigarettes like when I was young. Stupid government.

Horrible News

As all appropriate parties have been told privately, I can now mention what bad news hit us yesterday: Lisa's step-father has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and has been given less than four months to live. The kids were and are distraught, especially the older two. I ask that your prayers and thoughts continue for the extended family.

Self Driving Cars - My Thoughts

I don't understand all the media attention given to the fatality in the self-driven car. After millions of miles, the technology failed and one man died. That is bad, yes. But perspective, MSM, perspective. How many cars with humans behind the wheel crashed and killed their occupant, or others, in the same period? I remain confident in the future of the idea.

Olivia DeHavilland

I forgot about this yesterday. Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 1, 2016