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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Thoughts

While my first a$$holish instinct is to let the burned areas of Milwaukee lay fallow, that is wrong and short-sighted. Insurance may not cover the damages, but even if they do the City needs to suck it up and put out whatever incentives, at whatever cost, to ensure those businesses return to that area. If we can build an arena, we can build a damn auto parts store.

[my reply to a comment saying the money should be spread out among the local residents] Why should money spent rebuilding a locally owned store be distributed to the community? These businesses, owned by corporations/locals/outsiders, contribute to the community in four important ways: 1. By providing goods and services 2. By employing locals 3. By maintaining the property value of the area and 4. By paying municipal taxes. I agree, best for the community to have those owners invested personally in the area, but the absence of that doesn't negate their contribution.

And the last thing that area needs is a rash of storefront churches moving in to fill the vacant buildings, paying no taxes and employing no one. Ten years ago that phenomenon almost took National Ave down completely.
And not to get political, but if you're black, why the hell are you voting Democrat? What the hell has that party done for your community since King was silenced? Nothing. If you need the votes of the disadvantaged to win office, logic says you're going to do your best to ensure a steady crop of the poor and angry to STAY in office.


YaYa is interested in a Girl Scout trip to India next year, and she didn't have to try hard to convince me - it's the chance of a lifetime, 10 lifetimes even. I'm of the opinion that if you can get your kids to travel, you do it, because they may not have the chance when adult life hits them in the gut. I certainly haven't to date. Scraping together the cash, now that's a different story.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The Hypocrisy is Strong

The 33rd Grandpa's Day

Today is the 33rd Grandpa's Day, the anniversary of a road trip I took with my maternal Grandpa two weeks before he died. We drove the older two to a GSA woodworking event in Waukesha, then LK ran some errands, went to the park, and ate lunch at Landmark. Later, after the kids were home LK and I went to the cemetery, a bookstore, played pinball at the candy store, went back to the park, and went to the grocery store. I still miss you Grandpa!

I'm down one pound, an acceptable result given a couple days I slipped and went carby. I still feel awful from that allergy attack, and was tempted to ask for an appointment when I weighed in at the doctor.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Others

We watched this today with YaYa. Lisa and I saw this in the theater back in the day, and it's just as great as I remember it. Well done.

Sunday, August 14, 2016