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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Team Slap visits the Milwaukee Public Museum August 15, 2016

Earlier this summer Junie and I won tickets to the Milwaukee Public Museum by kicking butt at a scavenger hunt. Although the Museum bores me to tears - I could draw a map of the exhibits, they've changed so little over the years - we made a day trip out of it on Monday. Here's Junie's "to do" list.

Junie rode with YaYa and her boyfriend, and YaYa noted the lil one bickered with him like an old married couple. 

The Streets of Old Milwaukee are newly renovated. Despite some improvements, and a ton of hype, I don't think the changes were all that impactful or grand. 

The kids, naturally, enjoyed the general store. 

This guy was modeled on my best friend's Grandpa. 

The Nickelodeon was much improved tho'. 

As LuLu articulately pointed out, there's too much science and not enough history at MPM. It's not a Natural Science museum. I was glad to see they had a (small) weaponry display. 

I will say, their butterfly room continues to impress, although it is smaller than I remember. 

 This photo was the end of the good times. From this point forward, every kid, other than Junie, had a hissy fit or, in YaYa's case, fought with her boyfriend. Such blends of misery and joy are common for families, and something that both appalls the childless and cripples folks who by nature are not parental. The trick is to take the good times as an appropriate payment for the day, and not let the bad moments wipe out your memories. Frankly, and I'm not exaggerating, the anger I had at the last half of the day is already fading from my recollection of the trip. 

By the time we went out for lunch - minus Smiley, whose fit led us to drop him at home - all was well again. We had a good time, and Smiley was happy with the to-go we brought home for him. 

 I have promised Junie, btw, that we will return alone again soon, so she can see everything she missed. It will not be super exciting for me, LOL, but what the heck!

Fox Brook Lake - Sunday August 14th

With her brother and his two oldest girls in town to visit her sick stepfather, Lisa organized an outing to Fox Brook Lake for both families. 

Since he forgot a swimsuit, Mike was stuck with grill duty, firing up jalapeno burgers and brats. 

It was eerie how similar the second-oldest girls were physically, and in temperament. 

No pics of the swimming and diving this time, as I didn't want to risk the camera again. But we did go pedal-boating, with Mike and I taking turns taxiing the kids. 

This is FAKE outrage. Real outrage would have put the camera in the lake LOL

Sadly, as with every trip to the lake, a guest (this time Mike) dropped his phone in the water, rending it a brick :(

This is Samma, Mike's second oldest. 

Aside from the loss of the phone, I think everyone had a blast!

My Thoughts

While my first a$$holish instinct is to let the burned areas of Milwaukee lay fallow, that is wrong and short-sighted. Insurance may not cover the damages, but even if they do the City needs to suck it up and put out whatever incentives, at whatever cost, to ensure those businesses return to that area. If we can build an arena, we can build a damn auto parts store.

[my reply to a comment saying the money should be spread out among the local residents] Why should money spent rebuilding a locally owned store be distributed to the community? These businesses, owned by corporations/locals/outsiders, contribute to the community in four important ways: 1. By providing goods and services 2. By employing locals 3. By maintaining the property value of the area and 4. By paying municipal taxes. I agree, best for the community to have those owners invested personally in the area, but the absence of that doesn't negate their contribution.

And the last thing that area needs is a rash of storefront churches moving in to fill the vacant buildings, paying no taxes and employing no one. Ten years ago that phenomenon almost took National Ave down completely.
And not to get political, but if you're black, why the hell are you voting Democrat? What the hell has that party done for your community since King was silenced? Nothing. If you need the votes of the disadvantaged to win office, logic says you're going to do your best to ensure a steady crop of the poor and angry to STAY in office.